Any% (Beginner)

This odd version of the Wii Any% Route is intended for a few purposes. Firstly, it serves as a route which will work on the USA 1.2 and the KOR Wii versions of the game. It also serves as more of a beginner-friendly route for the game.

Note that most GCN & Wii tricks/glitches linked in this route are done on GameCube and therefore are mirrored on the Wii version. In addition, there are several more advanced strategies which are not mentioned in some places but instead linked in the notes below the route.

Major tricks:

Also included but not as major: - Faron Gate Clip - Early Boomerang via bridges - Various mailman skips (for NTSC 1.0 only) - Fan Activation Skip - Argorok Cutscene Skip

Runs should start with a blank file in slots 1, 2, and 3, as multiple files are used during the run.


  • Go left to Ordon Spring
  • Epona cutscene
  • Ride to ranch (3-13R)
  • Goats 1 (10 goats)
  • Exit house
    • If at 6R+, head straight to village
    • If under 6R, sidehop left and pick up rock in grass behind Epona for blue rupee first
  • Climb vines to eagle guy
  • Get and deliver crib
  • Fishing Rod
    • [Fishing Rod]
  • Mailbox jump onto roof
  • Two yellow rupees (~28R)
  • Head to dock, collecting freestanding green rupees to reach 30R
  • Catch two fish, cat cutscene
  • Swim to shop
  • Bottle (Milk)
  • Buy Slingshot (0R)
  • Return to Ordon Spring area
  • Ordon Gate Clip
    • Alternatively, grab the Wooden Sword and do Slingshot and Sword training
  • Lantern from Coro (E Lantern, Slingshot^Fishing Rod)
    • [Lantern/Slingshot]
  • Cave to North Faron
  • Small key
  • Save Talo
    • Bokoblins break cage
    • Kill bokoblins with Slingshot
    • Flip Lantern to B after killing bokoblins
  • Goats 2 (20 goats)
  • Castle Sewers
  • Castle Rooftops
  • Get Ordon Shield and Sword
    • Idiots by dock
    • Scare eagle guy
    • Ordon Shield
    • Ordon Sword
    • Ordon Spring Portal
  • Enter Faron Twilight

Faron Province

  • South Faron portal
  • Faron Vessel
  • First Two Bugs (Ignore Tears)
  • Bugs Inside Coro's House
  • Bug Outside Coro's House
  • Bugs Before Tunnel (Ignore Tears)
  • Bugs on Left Wall (Ignore Tears)
  • Bugs in Tree Trunk
  • Ignore Burrowed Bugs
  • EMS (Right Wall)
  • Enter Sacred Grove
  • Save On File 1 (Will Be Used For Early Boss Fights For Early Clawshot)
  • Chase Skull Kid
  • Solve Master Sword Puzzle [LD UUU RR DDD LU]
  • Master Sword
    • Warp South Faron with Midna
  • Collect Missed Tears
  • Lantern through Mist
  • Kill Bugs Before They Burrow + Get Tears
    • Get 10R Dig Spot Behind Sign While Waiting For Tears (10R)
  • North Faron Portal
  • Kill Bugs Outside Forest Temple
  • Burn Web to Forest Temple
  • Collect Tears as Human
  • Vessel Complete
  • One Frame Backflip
    • Warp North Faron with Midna
  • Ending Blow
  • Enter Forest Temple

Forest Temple

Eldin Transition

  • Dash to Hyrule Field South
  • Mail Man/Mail Man Skips as Wolf (NTSC 1.0 only)
  • Enter Eldin Twilight
  • Kakariko Gorge Portal
    • Forced Warp South Faron
  • Dash to Hyrule Field
  • Lanayru Gate Clip
  • Kargarok Fight and Flight
  • Zora's Domain Portal
    • Warp North Faron
    • Warp Bridge to Kakariko Gorge With Midna
  • Enter Kakariko (No Bulblin 1 Trigger)
  • Get Kakariko Warp Portal

Eldin Twilight

Lanayru Vessel

  • Dash to Death Mountain Trail
  • Midna Jump to Goron + Trigger Cutscene
    • Warp Kakariko Village
  • Renado Talks to Link
  • Dash or Roll into Taming Epona Trigger (To North End of Kakariko)
    • Dash to Tame as Wolf
    • Roll to Tame as Human (Slower, but Easier)
  • Tame Epona
    • Warp DMT
    • Warp Rock to Zora's Domain as Wolf
  • One-Frame Jump Attack to Skip Midna Text
  • Rutela Cutscene
  • One-Frame Jump Attack to Skip Midna Text Again
  • River to Lake Hylia
  • Lanayru Vessel

Lanayru Twilight

  • First Bug After Bridge
  • Lake Hylia Portal
  • Stepping Stones Bug
    • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Wall Bug
  • Drop to Bug (Left Side)
  • Lilypad Bugs (Keep Them Dry on NA Wii 1.0)
  • Bug on Cliff
  • Iza's Bug
  • River to Hyrule Field North
  • Dash to Castle Town (Left Side)
  • Castle Town Portal
  • Castle Town Bug
    • Warp Lake Hylia
  • Bug Behind Fyer's House (Keep It Dry on NA Wii 1.0)
  • Howl for Kargarok
  • Kargarok Bugs
  • Bug on Dock
  • Boss Bug
  • Vessel Complete

Zora Armor and Iron Boots

  • Spawn in Lanayru Spirit Spring
    • Warp Castle Town
  • Mail Man on Bridge/Mail Man Skip as Wolf (NTSC 1.0 only)
  • Enter Castle Town
  • Roll to Telma's Bar
  • Start Telma Escort
  • King Bulblin 2 Fight Skip
  • Full Telma Escort
    • Turn Wolf After Opening Gate
  • Follow Rutela to Graveyard
  • Zora Armor
    • Warp Ordon Spring (South Faron if you don't have Ordon Spring)
  • Enter Bo Trigger in Ordon Village
  • Sumo for Iron Boots (E Iron Boots)
    • [Lantern/Boomerang/Boots]

Lakebed I - Ooccoo

Lakebed II - Clawshot

  • Spawn Outside Lanayru Spirit Spring
    • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Dash to Upper Zora's River
  • Talk to Iza
  • Upper Zora's River Portal
  • Steal Bombs with Ooccoo JR (E Lent Bomb Bag (Bombs)^Lantern)
    • [Boomerang/Boots/Ooccoo/Lent Bomb Bag (Bombs)]
  • Boomerang + Bomb Near Stalactite
  • Far Side of Room, Boomerang + Bomb Far Stalactite
  • Small Key Chest
  • Backtrack to Center Room + Locked Door on 2F
  • Boomerang + Bomb Stalactite
  • Lent Bomb Bag MUST BE EMPTY
  • 5WB Chest to Left
  • Ooccoo Out
    • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Goron Bomb Bag (4WB)
  • Rocket Link (3WB)
  • Ooccoo Back
  • Cross Vines to Door
  • Head to Deku Toad on Wii
    • Hang, Drop + Jumpslash to Land On Platform To Door (Semi-Precise)
  • Early Deku Toad
  • 1 Cycle With Master Sword
    • If you fail the one-cycle, throw a bomb in Deku Toad's mouth to skip the toadlings
  • Clawshot (E Clawshot^Ooccoo)
    • [Boomerang/Boots/Clawshot/Lent Bomb Bag (Water Bombs)]

Lakebed III - Morpheel

  • Clawshot Out + Back to Center Room
  • Vine Clip
  • Morpheel
  • Heart Container
  • Enter Portal
    • [Lantern/Boomerang/Boots] (equips reset to these)

Midna's Desperate Hour

  • Wolf to Telma's Bar
  • Push Box Once + Dash Jump to Window
  • Ropes
  • Jovani's Poe
  • Sewers
  • First Web with Stick as Wolf
  • Second Web with Lantern as Human
  • Dig Into Hole
  • Bulblin Archer
  • Tower Climb
  • Early Wind Cycle
  • Zelda Cutscene

Desert Province

  • Warp Lake Hylia with Midna
  • Auru's Memo (E Clawshot^Boomerang, Bomb Bag^Boots, Memo)
    • [Lantern/Bomb Bag/Clawshot/Memo]
  • Swim to Fyer
  • Show Auru's Memo (Switch to Hero's Clothes)
  • Cannon to Gerudo Desert
  • Dash to Bulblin Outlook Camp
  • Grab a Boar
  • Boar through Barricades
  • Enter Bulblin Camp
  • Clear Bulblin Camp
  • Bulblin Camp Small Key
  • KB3
  • Boar to Arbiter's Grounds
  • Enter Arbiter's Grounds

Arbiter's Grounds

Ball and Chain

  • Mirror Chamber Portal
  • Raise Mirror
    • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Enter Snowpeak
  • Ashei's Sketch
    • Warp Kakariko Village
  • Dash to Graveyard
  • Back of Graveyard (E Sketch^Lantern, Fishing Rod^Spinner)
    • [Bomb Bag/Clawshot/Sketch/Fishing Rod]
  • Show Sketch to Ralis
    • [Bomb Bag/Clawshot/Upgraded Fishing Rod]
  • Behind Tombstone
    • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Reekfish Scent
  • Climb Snowpeak Mountain
  • Connection Cave
  • Snowpeak Mountain Portal
  • Snowboarding to Snowpeak Ruins (100R)
  • Yeta for Dungeon Map
  • Yeto
  • Block Puzzle Room
  • Dig to Courtyard
  • Dig Small Key Chest
  • Bomb Boost to 2F
  • Through Door on 2F to Block Puzzle Room
  • Push Block to 1F
  • Jump to 1F door you couldn't reach before
  • Ordon Pumpkin
  • Pumpkin to Yeto
  • Talk to Yeta
  • Through Door That Opens
  • Unlock Door, Transfer Cannonball to Courtyard
  • Cannonball Kill Freezard
  • Darkhammer
  • Ball and Chain (E Ball and Chain^Bomb Bag(Bombs))
    • [Clawshot/Upgraded Fishing Rod/Ball and Chain]
  • Room Behind
  • 100R from Bubble (200R)
  • Savewarp
  • 100R from Bubble (300R)
  • Exit Snowpeak Ruins

City in the Sky

  • Warp Kakariko Village with Midna (E Boots, Boomerang^Upgraded Fishing Rod, Spinner^Ball and Chain)
    • [Clawshot/Boots/Boomerang/Spinner]
  • Early CitS
    • Warp Cannon to Lake Hylia
  • Repair Cannon (0R)
    • If Short On Rupees, Boats on Fyer's Hut have 20s and 10s
  • Enter CitS
  • Ooccas in 2nd Room/Skip Using Ooccas
  • Skip Turning On Boss Key Fan
    • Transform Wolf
    • Approach + Open Door From Far Away to Skip Trigger
  • Exit Right Window
  • Bridge with Spinner
  • Small Key
  • Argorok Cutscene Skip
  • West Wing
  • Fan Room On Wii
  • Block Room on Wii - Keese LJA's
  • Quick Dynalfos Fight
  • Oocca Jump
  • Aeralfos
  • Double Clawshots (E Double Clawshots)
    • [Boots/Boomerang/Spinner/Double Clawshots]
  • Savewarp
  • Back to Central Room
  • Clawshot to 3F
  • Exit to Outdoors
  • Clawshot Up Intended Vines
  • Ropes to Door
  • Boss Key
  • Turn on Fans to North
  • Clawshot Across Fans
  • Fan Tower
  • Enter Argorok
  • Skip Cutscent to Warp to Top
  • Argorok

Palace of Twilight

Hyrule Castle



  • Ordon: When you get more advanced, you can utilize Sword and Shield Skip to skip obtaining the Ordon Shield and Ordon Sword. This is a fair bit harder but saves a few minutes in this route. It is, however, a trick you will want to learn, as the faster Any% route requires it.

  • Lakebed I: If you are not on NTSC 1.2 or KOR, there is a way around performing Helmasaur LJA. This does utilize Map Glitch, hence why it will not work on those versions.

    • After obtaining the Iron Boots, warp to Zora's Domain, enter Snowpeak Mountain, and perform Map Glitch. Climb the mountain, remembering to howl at the howling stone at the top once to get rid of map glitch. After reloading the mountain continue on to Snowpeak Ruins as normal; inside the dungeon Ooccoo is in Yeto's room, in the pots in the cupboard area.
    • Ooccoo out, warp to ZD, dash to UZR and steal bombs from Iza with Ooccoo JR. Ooccoo out immediately again, then warp to Lake Hylia and continue on from there. You can then use bombs with the boomerang on the stalactites in the second room, to avoid having to perform Helmasaur LJA. In the staircase room, simply head for the lower left door, ignoring Ooccoo for now. Grab the small key in the single cog room, then grab Lakebed's Ooccoo when you go to the locked door in the central staircase room; this will overwrite Snowpeak's Ooccoo.
    • Ball and Chain: Much later in the run, after Arbiter's Grounds, once you open the portal in the Mirror Chamber, you can simply warp to Snowpeak Mountain and head to Snowpeak Ruins. You can skip raising the mirror by opening the map, zooming in, then enabling portals; you will have to do this for the rest of the run if you do so now.
  • Arbiter's Grounds: If you're interested in doing Poe 1 Skip, you may:

    • Pull Chain
    • Small Key
    • Enter Right Room
    • Poe #1 Skip
    • Cross Sand + Push Block
    • Pull Chain for Chandelier
    • Stalfos with Bombs
    • Poe #4
    • Poe Scent
    • Back to Main Room
    • Pull Chain + Enter B1 Door
    • SK Chest
    • Redead (30R)
    • Poe #2
    • Main Room
    • Climb Broken Stairs to 2F
    • Rat Room Backwards (Skip SK)
    • Poe #3 Room Backwards (70R)
    • Poe #3
    • Back to Main Room
    • Through Poe Gate
    • Continue on as normal from here.
  • Ball and Chain: If you're feeling a bit riskier, instead of pushing down the block, go through the accessible door, then through the locked door in the next room. Freezard Clip on 2F, and then drop on the other side of the courtyard. Dig the small key here and continue on.

  • City in the Sky: If you fail Argorok Skip, don't forget to skip the Fan Activation trigger again after the Double Clawshots savewarp.

  • City in the Sky: Aeralfos Skip is an option you can do as well, but it's fairly tricky on Wii.
  • City in the Sky: If you failed Fan Activation Skip, you will have to go through the second half of the dungeon normally. From the small key room, clawshot around a lot, eventually reaching the other door in the room. In the next room, kill the baba head (ignore the base), and clawshot up the tower. If a pillar falls and you fall below it, you will have to reload the room. Out in the gardens, cross the peahats over and then back to the door not near a chest, then clawshot across to the center of the dungeon from there. You're in the 3rd floor room mentioned above now.
Last updated 12/10/2022 – FirnenLegacy