AD BiTE TD - No Seam Clip

While this route does not do Epona Seam Clip on Ordon Day 2, it is still a fairly difficult route as it does utilize Back in Time Equipped, which runs a high chance of crashing on Wii for reasons not yet fully understood. If you'd rather deal with Seam Clip instead of Wolfos Superjump, a very similar route is here.

Note that most GCN&Wii tricks/glitches linked in this route are done on Gamecube and therefore are mirrored on the Wii version.

Runs should start with a blank file in slots 1, 2, and 3.

Route intended for Wii 1.0 (any region)

Equips are routed into the route and listed after changes occur.

Reminder that every warp you do will be done with Midna, as the route does NOT obtain Map Warping.

Rupees: 10 RNG before end of Eldin Twilight. 40 RNG additional before end of Goron Mines. 100 RNG before end of Temple of Time.


Faron Twilight

  • South Faron Portal
  • Faron Vessel
  • First Two Bugs (Ignore Tears)
  • Bugs Inside Coro's House
  • Bug Outside Coro's House
  • Bugs Before Tunnel (Ignore Tears)
  • Bugs Before Tunnel (Ignore Tears)
  • Bugs on Left Wall (Ignore Tears)
  • Bugs in Tree Trunk
  • Ignore Burrowed Bugs
  • EMS (Right Wall)
  • Enter Sacred Grove
  • Save in Grove (File 1) + Continue
  • Chase Skull Kid
  • Solve Master Sword Puzzle [LD UUU RR DDD LU]
  • Master Sword
    • Warp South Faron with Midna
  • Collect Missed Tears
  • Lantern through Mist
  • Kill Bugs Before They Burrow + Get Tears
    • Get 10R Dig Spot Behind Sign While Waiting For Tears (10R)
  • North Faron Portal
  • Kill Bugs Outside Forest Temple
  • Burn Web to Forest Temple
  • Collect Tears as Human
  • Vessel Complete

Eldin Twilight

  • One Frame Backflip
  • Savewarp (File 2)
  • Ordon Bridge, BiTE To KB1
  • KB1 Field + KB1 Bridge
  • Savew in Kak (File 3), Load South Faron File (File 2)
  • BiT + Gameover + Continue to set EBF via KB1 fight safely
  • Load Kak File (File 3)
  • Open Kak Portal
  • Eldin Vessel
  • Enter Graveyard
  • Kill Graveyard Bug
  • Dash to Torches
  • Torches for 50R Chest (60R)
  • Graveyard Tear as Human
  • Well Clip
  • Basement Bugs
  • Early CitS
  • Talk to Midna about Cannon
  • Yes to Warp
    • Warp Kakariko Village
  • Malo Mart Bug
  • Elde Inn
  • Kill Kitchen Bug
  • 20R Chest Under Stairs (80R)
  • 2F Bug
  • 10R from Dresser (90R)
  • Dash Cancel Across Roofs
  • Abandoned House Bug
  • Barnes' Shop Bug
  • Bomb House Skip As Wolf/Bomb House
  • Watchtower Bug (100R)
  • Trail Bug
  • Death Mountain Portal
  • Death Mountain Bugs
  • Vessel Complete

Mines Transition

  • Spawn in Kakariko
    • Warp North Faron
  • Ending Blow
  • Enter Forest Temple
  • Kill Spiders With Deku Baba Nuts (or Wolf)
  • Light Torches + Go Outside
  • Early Boomerang via Monkey Chain
  • Ook
  • Gale Boomerang
  • Savewarp
    • [Lantern/Boomerang/Boots]
  • Advance to Ooccoo
  • Obtain Forest Ooccoo
    • [Lantern/Boomerang/Boots/Ooccoo (FT)]
  • Ooccoo Out
    • [Lantern/Boomerang/Boots/Ooccoo Jr. (FT)]
  • Spawn Outside Forest Temple
    • Warp South Faron
  • Dash to Behind Coro
  • Coro Bottle with Coro TD (0R+)
    • [Lantern/Boomerang/Boots/Ooccoo (FT)]
  • Ooccoo Out
    • [Lantern/Boomerang/Boots/Ooccoo Jr. (FT)]
  • Spawn Outside Forest Temple
    • Warp Death Mountain
  • Rock Falling CS
    • Stay Wolf
  • Climb Death Mountain
    • Yellows On Ledge (50R+)
  • Talk to Gor Coron
  • Clip Past Goron
  • Enter Goron Mines

Goron Mines

Lanayru Vessel

  • Epona to Barne's Bomb Shop
  • Buy Bomb Bag (0R)
    • [Lantern/Boots/Bow/Bombs]
  • Exit Bottom
  • Start Emptying Bombs (Down to 6 Bombs)
  • Epona out Kak North
  • Epona into Mailman Trigger
  • Epona Across BoE (Combo Bomb Bag (Bombs))
    • [Lantern/Boots/Bomb Arrows]
  • Bombarrow Rocks
    • Portal CS Spawns
  • Ignore Shadow Beast Fight, Ride to Lanayru Barrier
    • Skip Cutscene
  • Dash to Hyrule Field North + CT Field Bypass
  • Bombarrow Through CT Field Bypass + Dash to FBF (Have >2 Hearts!)
  • Quaforce Clip
  • Fyer's Troubles
  • Kagarok Skip + Kargarok Flight
  • Zora's Domain Portal
    • Warp Death Mountain
  • Turn Human, Rock Has Fallen Already
    • Warp Rock to Zora's Domain as Human
  • One Frame Sidehop to Skip Midna Text
  • Rutela skip
  • Lake Hylia, Get Vessel

Lanayru Twilight?

  • Lanayru Vessel
  • First Bug After Bridge
  • Lake Hylia Portal
  • Stepping Stones Bug
    • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Wall Bug and Rutela Skip
  • Drop to Bug (Left Side)
  • Lilypad Bugs (Keep Them Dry on NA Wii 1.0)
  • Bug on Cliff
  • Iza's Bug
  • River to Hyrule Field North
  • Dash to Castle Town (Left Side)
  • Castle Town Portal
  • Castle Town Bug
    • Warp Lake Hylia
  • Bug Behind Fyer's House (Keep It Dry on NA Wii 1.0)
  • Howl for Kargarok
  • Kargarok Bugs
  • Bug on Dock
  • Boss Bug
  • Spawn Tear
  • Midna Dive into Lakebed Temple

Lakebed Temple

  • Save Inside Lakebed Temple (File 2 or 3)
  • Set EBF Via Grove File (File 1)
  • Reload Lakebed Save (File 2 or 3)
    • File # No Longer Matters
  • First Room
  • Second Room with Bomb Arrows (0 Bombs)
    • [Lantern/Boots/Bow]
  • Get WB Chest (10 WB)
  • Staircase Room to 1F Door, Skip Ooccoo (Combo Bomb Bag (Water Bombs))
    • [Lantern/Boots/Bomb Arrows]
  • Single Cog 1F for Small Key via Bomb Arrows (8 WB)
  • Back to Staircase Room, Locked Door on 2F
  • Outer Single Cog Room
  • 5 WB Chest to Left (13 WB)
  • Cross Vines + Through Door (12 WB)
  • Early Deku Toad on Wii
  • Enter Deku Toad
    • EBF Was Set Beforehand
  • Deku Toad with Bomb Arrows/Master Sword (11 WB)
  • Clawshot
    • [Lantern/Boots/Bomb Bag (Water Bombs)/Clawshot]
  • Clawshot Out + Back to Center Room
  • Vine Clip
  • Morpheel with Water Bombs
  • Regrab Force-Unequip Boots: Equip Ooccoo Jr. (FT)
    • [Lantern/Bomb Bag (Water Bombs)/Clawshot/Ooccoo Jr. (FT)]
  • Exit Lakebed (8 WB)

White Midna

  • Spawn in Hyrule Field North
    • Warp Lake Hylia
  • Swim to Lake for Tear
  • Lanayru Twilight Cleared
    • Warp Castle Town
  • Wolf to Telma's Bar
  • Push Box Once + Dash Jump to Window
  • Ropes
  • Jovani's Poe
  • Sewers
  • First Web with Stick as Wolf
  • Second Web with Lantern as Human
  • Dig Into Hole
  • Bulblin Archer
  • Tower Climb
  • Early Wind Cycle
  • Zelda Cutscene

Forest Temple

  • Spawn Outside Castle Town
    • Warp Lake Hylia
  • Climb Tower to Auru's Memo
  • Ooccoo Back to Forest Temple
    • [Lantern/Bomb Bag (Water Bombs/Clawshot/Ooccoo (FT)]
  • Burn Webs
    • [Clawshot/Bomb Arrows (Water Bombs)/Boomerang/Auru's Memo]
  • Boss Key
  • Room Before Diababa
  • Clawshot Monkeys Skip
  • Diababa with Bomb Arrows (4 WB)
  • Exit Forest Temple

Gerudo Desert

  • Cutscene Spawning in South Faron (No Midna Text)
    • Warp Lake Hylia
  • Dash to Fyer
  • Memo to Fyer
  • Cannon to Gerudo Desert
    • [Clawshot/Bomb Arrows/Boomerang]
  • Dash to Bulblin Outlook Camp
    • Snipe Archers?
  • Grab a Boar
  • Boar through Barricades
  • Enter Bulblin Camp
  • Bulblin Camp without Map Glitch
  • KB3
  • Boar to Arbiter's Grounds
  • Enter Arbiter's Grounds

Arbiter's Grounds

Snowpeak Ruins

  • Mirror Chamber Portal
  • Raise Mirror (Forced)
    • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Enter Snowpeak
  • Wolfos Jump
  • Climb Snowpeak
  • Snowboarding (60R - 80R)
  • Enter Snowpeak Ruins
  • Yeta
  • Yeto
  • Block Puzzle Room
  • Dig to Courtyard
  • Dig Up Small Key
  • Spinner Bomb Boost to Cross Courtyard
  • Freezard Clip
  • Darkhammer
  • Ball and Chain
    • [Clawshot/Bomb Bag (Bombs)/Lantern/Ball and Chain]
  • Exit Darkhammer
  • Bomb Boost to 2F (8 WB)
  • Locked Door in Ice Floor Room
  • Clear Freezard Room
  • Take Cannonball to 2F Cannon
  • Cannon Launch Cannonball
  • Cannonball to Courtyard + Kill Freezard with Cannonball
  • Boss Key Room
  • Blizzetta
  • Gainer
  • Exit Snowpeak Ruins

Temple of Time

  • Spawn Outside Snowpeak Ruins
    • Warp North Faron
  • Rusl CS Skip
    • [Clawshot/Lantern/Boomerang/Bomb Arrows]
  • Golden Cucco to Lost Woods
  • Skull Kid Chase as Human (30B) (100R)
    • If Short on Rupees Entering Sacred Grove, Can Bonk Trees for RNG Drops
  • Strike Master Sword
  • Sacred Grove Portal
  • Enter Past
  • Strike Master Sword
  • Enter Temple of Time
  • Pot on Pressure Plate
  • Torches for Small Key
    • [Clawshot/Boomerang/Bomb Arrows/Spinner]
  • Ooccoo Skip
    • Hug Right Wall, No Special Tricks
  • First Gate Skip
  • Second Gate Skip (Kill only Lizalfoses)
  • Spinner to 4F
  • Statue Skip Using Block Cutscene
  • Armoses with Bomb Arrows
  • Small Key (Right Alcove)
  • Locked Door in Circle Room
  • Slash Crystal Switch
  • Skip Shooting Crystal Switch Again
  • Bombarrow Crystal Switch 3x to Advance
  • Skip Enemies + Move On
  • Early Boss Key
  • Boss Key
  • Jump Down Right and Enter Door
  • Small Key
  • Electric Barrier/Barrier Skip
  • Armoses with Bomb Arrows
  • Darknut
  • Dominion Rod
    • [Clawshot/Boomerang/Bow/Dominion Rod]
  • Savewarp
  • Door of Time Skip
  • Room Before Boss
  • Armogohma
  • Fakeout Cutscene (Combo Bomb Bag (Bombs))
    • [Clawshot/Boomerang/Bomb Arrows/Dominion Rod]
  • Bomb Arrow Eyeball
    • Ensure You Have At Least 1 Bomb Leftover
  • Exit Temple of Time

City in the Sky

  • Exit Past
    • Warp Kakariko Village
  • Bell 200R (300R) (0B)
    • [Clawshot/Boomerang/Bow/Dominion Rod]
  • Enter Basement
    • Warp Cannon to Lake Hylia via Midna
  • Repair Cannon
    • [Clawshot/Boomerang/Boots/Spinner]
  • Enter CitS (0R)
  • Underwater WB Chest (15 WB)
  • Skip Using Ooccas
  • Skip Turning On Boss Key Fan
    • Transform Wolf
    • Approach + Open Door From Far Away to Skip Trigger
  • Exit Right Window
  • Bridge with Spinner
  • Small Key
  • Argorok Cutscene Skip
  • West Wing
  • Fan Room On Wii
  • Block Room on Wii - Keese LJA's
  • Quick Dynalfos Fight
  • Oocca Jump
  • Aeralfos Skip
  • Double Clawshots
    • [Boomerang/Boots/Double Clawshots/Bomb Bag (Water Bombs)]
  • Savewarp
  • Back to Central Room
  • Clawshot to 3F
  • Exit to Outdoors
  • Clawshot Up Intended Vines
  • Ropes to Door
  • Boss Key
  • Turn on Fans to North
  • Clawshot Across Fans
  • Fan Tower
  • Enter Argorok
  • Skip Cutscent to Warp to Top
  • Argorok

Palace of Twilight

Hyrule Castle

Last updated 08/30/2022 – bewildebeest