Lanayru Province

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Broken Louise camera

By doing a precise B attack into the cutscene trigger, the camera angle will stay locked and make Louise's text start earlier than normal.

Rope skip

Upon entering Telma's bar after talking to Louise, skip the cutscene as soon as possible. Sidehop right, then dash off the edge to grab right side of the rope. If done quickly enough, the goron will not catch Link.

Bottom of the tower

There is a bulblin archer at the bottom of the tower before the very first rope, and while it is possible to ascend the tower without killing this bulblin, it will almost always snipe Link down from higher ropes if left alive. To kill it quickly, dodge the first arrow or deflect it with a B attack or spin attack, and then when it scurries away from Link, jump attack or spin attack to knock it into the water and kill it.
If the bulblin doesn't move towards the water for any reason, kill it with 2 neutral B attacks and then a jump attack instead.

Early wind cycle

On the rooftops, it is possible with good movement to jump diagonally from the bridge to make an earlier wind cycle than was intended.

NorGor (Goron Bomb Bag without water bombs)

Discovered by YellowTorpedo

Using the Normal Bombs Underwater glitch and starting a cutscene at the same time, it's possible to sink a normal bomb low enough to blow up the rock with the Goron in it.

Mailman Skip Castle Town

There is a mailman trigger on the bridge that enters Castle Town. It is very thin and easy to LJA over. Stand next to the 3rd post from the chain that connects to the bridge, aim slightly up and roughly parallel to the bridge, and LJA once the boomerang is over the void.

Easy Mailman Skip setup

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Cucco Minigame Floor Clip

Discovered by Quaforce

It is possible to clip through the wall in the Flight By Fowl house and fall into Lake Hylia.
Note that the video shows TPHD, in which the clip significantly easier due to removed sword recoil.

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King Bulblin 2

The King Bulblin 2 fight and fight skips can be found on the King Bulblin boss fights page.

Skip 2nd part of wagon escort (LJA)

After using the boomerang to kill the first bomb-dropping kargarok, the Midna text preventing Link from heading to Kakariko is removed and the wagon can be abandoned. However, there is still a Midna trigger just beyond the gate to Kakariko that forces Link to go back. In some categories, this auto-walk also makes Link walk into the King Bulblin 1 trigger, necessitating warping back to Castle Town and completely restarting the wagon escort.

If the KB1 trigger is present, open the gate target the boomerang high on the rock wall to the right of the path to Kakariko. LJA when the boomerang reaches the wall. To then skip the Midna text trigger, stand near it and up against the rock wall. Throw the boomerang along the wall, then LJA when the boomerang is inside of the wall, over a void.

A safer alternative for skipping the KB1 trigger and getting in position for the LJA over the Midna text trigger is to transform wolf, dig under the gate, transform human, sidehop right 4 times, and then L-roll forward twice. This is about 10s slower than the method described above.

Easy HP platform drop

If Link grabs the ledge near the chest with a normal camera, the camera will face straight down, making it much easier to time the drop.

Fast waterfall poe movement

Midna jump up and lure the poe.

Iza 1 Skip

Discovered by Dragonbane0

The method for doing this trick is very similar to Infinite Bomb Arrows. A full description of this trick can be found here.

Clawshot Clip

In the water, hold L and the clawshot button, then sideswim into a slope. The angle is not precise at all. This can be done with any armor on.
This can be used for a slower method of Iza 1 Skip or to start the Iza 2 minigame after completing Iza 1 Skip and getting Iza's Bomb Bag.

North Field grotto for 100%

If both poes are hit by the same movement in a Midna charge, it usually isn't possible to collect both souls before one poe recovers. However, Midna charging from a point on the right side of the grotto (see video) will knock the poes down in separate movements within the same Midna charge. To collect both souls before either poe recovers, target and collect the souls of the poes in the order they were knocked down.

Ice Puzzle Cave solutions

Spinner Track HP Timesaver

Jumping from the track to the HP chest instead of going around the corner saves around 1s.

LJA to 100R chest

In the field west of Castle Town there is a run-down area to the south with a chest on a pillar. It is possible to LJA to this chest, skipping using the dominion rod. Aim slightly above the wall so the boomerang goes over, then LJA as soon as possible.

Backslice jump to 100R chest

Sidehop + roll onto the ledge, then hold forward to jump off. Time a jump attack to land on the ledge.

Fast learning Jump Strike & Great Spin

Discovered By SVA161620

When learning Jump Strike, it is 3.33s faster to spin-attack after doing the Jump Strike as it prevents the real Hero's Shade from getting knocked down.

When leaning Great Spin, it is 2.73s faster to backflip into the greatspin rather than just greatspinning. Once again, this is because it doesn't knock down the real Hero's Shade.

Mailman Skips Lanayru Bridge towards Castle Town

There are two mailman triggers on Lanayru Bridge. It is possible to LJA over both of the triggers by throwing the boomerang just over the side of the bridge from near the trigger.

The first trigger is just after the second broken arch on the right-hand side of the bridge. For the second trigger, go to the second non-broken arch on the right-hand side after the crack in the floor; from here, edge Link forward a little more to the second big brick after the arch.

Small timesave for STAR 1

Discovered by ZachLink99

Rolling and jumping across the platforms saves 1s.

Telma Cutscene Skip/TD for GCN

More information about this trick can be found on the Text Displacement page.

Wooden Statue Animation Skip

Normally, the statue has a bouncing animation when it spawns, but this can be skipped by position Link on the ground exactly where that bouncing animation would begin. This is somewhat precise, and visual cues on the ground can be hard to see.

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Falbi text dive

Standing near the edge and talking to Falbi will result in Link falling during the text and going underneath the floor collision.

Stealing the Lent Bag as wolf

Note: Formerly known as "Fight UPZ Messengers as Wolf"

Discovered by Dragonbane0, updated setup by Sva

By triggering the barrier fight in Upper Zora's River in a certain way, it is possible to get behind the sign, transform wolf, and complete the fight as wolf. The fight requires Midna charge attacks, so Midna's Desperate Hour must be completed.

Original setup by Dragonbane0

Talk to Iza to start the trigger for the fight, then use Iza's shop door to straighten Link's angle. Take a step back and walk left until Link's right foot reaches the white spot on the ground shown in the video below. Run back to the sign by Iza, avoiding the fight trigger, and transform. Walk into the trigger to start the fight.

Updated setup by Sva (video by Awsumi)

Epona Seam Clip in North Field

By riding Epona precisely into the corner of the ledge, it is possible to ride Epona through the collision and OoB.

LJA over South Field Midna trigger

LJA to Lanayru statue chest

A slightly precise LJA can reach the 100R chest on the cliff without moving the statue with the dominion rod.

LJA to cliff poe and chest

Last updated 04/02/2023 – anorakkis