No Save & Quit

A memory card is not needed to run this route.

It is helpful to watch a top run on the leaderboard for reference when learning, as this route document can only go into so much detail.


Faron Province

  • S. Faron Warp Portal
  • Faron Vessel
  • Kill First Two Bugs (Don't Need to Collect Tears After Killing)
  • Bug on Coro's House
  • Bugs In Coro's House
  • Kill Bugs Before Tunnel (Don't Need to Collect Tears After Killing)
  • Kill Bugs on Right Wall (Don't Need to Collect Tears After Killing)
  • Bugs In Main Tree Trunk
  • Ignore Burrowed Bugs
  • Early Master Sword
  • Skull Kid Chase
  • Skull Kid Fight
  • Master Sword Puzzle (LD UUU RR DDD LU)
  • Warp S. Faron
  • Collect First Two Bug Tears
  • Collect Tears Before Tunnel
  • Collect Tears in Mist Area
  • Bugs Before N. Faron (Kill Before They Burrow + Collect)
  • N. Faron Warp Portal
  • Kill Last Two Bugs (Don't Need to Collect Tears After Killing)
  • Enter Forest Temple

Forest Temple

  • Kill Spiders With Deku Baba Nuts (or Wolf)
  • Light Torches + Go Outside
  • Back To Torch Room and Enter East Door
  • Blow Up Rocks With Bombling
  • Over Platforms and Outside
  • Small Key Chest
  • Save 2nd Monkey
  • Ooccoo from pot behind blown up rocks
  • Back to Torch Room + Enter West Door
  • Early Boomerang
  • Ook
  • Gale Boomerang
  • Ooccoo Out

Getting to Eldin Vessel (Gorge Void)

  • Collect Last Two Tears
  • Vessel completed
  • 1 frame Backflip for text skip
  • Faron Escape
  • Dash to Eldin
  • Postman Skip
  • Enter Eldin Province
  • Kill Gorge Messengers
  • Gorge Void
  • Gorge Skip (10R)
  • Enter Kakariko (no Bulblin trigger on the ground)
  • Get Kakariko Warp Portal
  • Go back to Gorge for Map Warping
  • Warp N. Faron (Forced Warp to Faron)
  • Dash to Golden Wolf
  • Ending Blow
  • Warp Kakariko
  • Eldin Vessel

Getting to Eldin Vessel (No Gorge Void)

  • Collect Last Two Tears
  • Faron Escape
  • Dash to Eldin
  • Postman Skip
  • Enter Eldin Province
  • Kill Gorge Messengers
  • Warp N. Faron (Forced Warp to Faron)
  • Dash to Golden Wolf
  • Ending Blow
  • Warp S. Faron
  • Faron Escape
  • Dash to Eldin
  • Postman Skip (Even If You Failed First Skip His Trigger Returns)
  • Enter Eldin Province
  • Gorge Skip (10R)
  • Enter Kakariko (no Bulblin trigger on the ground)
  • Get Kakariko Warp Portal
  • Eldin Vessel

Eldin Province

  • Enter graveyard
  • Well Clip
  • Basement Bugs
  • Graveyard Bug
  • Malo Mart Bug
  • Hotel Bug (Chest Under Stairs)(30R)
  • Dash Cancel across roofs
  • Abandoned House Bug
  • Barnes Shop Bug
  • Bomb House Skip
  • Watchtower Bug (Pot on shelf)(35R)
  • DMT Bug
  • Quick Steam Cycle
  • Death Mountain Bugs
  • Vessel Complete
  • Dash To DMT
  • Hit Goron Trigger
  • Warp Kakariko
  • Tame Epona
  • Warp S. Faron
  • Dash to Ordon
  • Get Orange Rupee behind Rusl's house with boomerang (135R)
  • Enter Bo
  • Iron Boots

Lanayru Province

  • Exit Bo's House
  • Warp S. Faron
  • Faron Escape
  • Dash to Lanayru
  • Lanayru Gate Clip
  • Enter Lake Hylia
  • Kargarok Skip with Iron Boots
  • Faster Kargarok Flight
  • Zora's Domain Warp Portal
  • Warp Death Mountain
  • Transform in the corner
  • Warp rock to Zora's Domain as human
  • Rutela skip
  • Lanayru Vessel
  • Lake Hylia Warp Portal
  • Stepping Stones for Bug
  • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Wall Bug and Rutela skip
  • Drop down right wall to bug
  • Lilypad Bugs
  • Bug on cliff
  • Listen to Iza for Bug
  • Down the River
  • Castle Town Warp Portal
  • Dash Cancel through Castle Town
  • Castle Town Bug
  • Warp Lake Hylia
  • Bug Behind Fyer's House
  • Howl at grass
  • Kargarok Bugs
  • Last Small Bug
  • Boss Bug

Zora Armor

(NOTE: During wagon escort dashing through grass can give extra rupees)

  • Warp Castle Town
  • Postman Skip
  • Enter Telma's Bar (Starts Wagon Escort)
  • Bulblin 2 Skip
  • Wait for wagon to catch fire and use Boomerang
  • Open gate and wait for wagon to go through
  • Kill all three Boar Riders
  • Kill Kargarok (With Boomerang)
  • Dash to Gorge Skip area (If done right the Bulblins won't respawn, so you can leave the wagon behind)
  • Epona Backhop Gorge Skip
  • Dig under Kakariko Gate
  • LJA Over Midna Trigger
  • Follow Zora Queen to Graveyard
  • Zora Armor

Lakebed Temple

Midna's Desperate Hour

  • Transform Wolf
  • Dash to Castle Town (Zoom out to reduce lag)
  • Enter Telma's Bar through the door
  • Push box once and dash jump to window
  • Ropes in bar or rope skip
  • Poe
  • Enter Sewers
  • Burn first web as wolf with stick
  • Transform at second web and use Lantern
  • Dig into hole
  • Bulblin Archer
  • Exit Tower
  • Early Wind Cycle
  • Zelda Cutscene

Getting to Snowpeak Ruins

  • Warp Zora's Domain
  • Dash to Peak Province
  • Map Glitch
  • Howling Stone (Exit after howling once)
  • Messenger Skip
  • Snowboarding (Blind because fog remains)
  • Enter Snowpeak Ruins (Fill up on hearts from pots)

Snowpeak Ruins

  • Enter door on the left
  • Early Heart Piece 2 (Don't need the Heart Piece)
  • Clawshot through the ceiling
  • Jump down or clawshot to door below
  • Ice Clip
  • Enter the main room
  • Freezard Skip
  • Darkhammer 1-Cycle
  • Ball & Chain
  • Exit to Courtyard
  • Enter Lobby
  • Get Orange Rupee in the armor (255R)
  • Leave Snowpeak

Desert Province

Arbiter's Grounds

  • Human entrance
  • Pull chain
  • Small Key
  • Enter left room
  • Poe 1 Skip
  • LJA to the door
  • Stalfos with Ball & Chain
  • Poe 4
  • Poe Scent
  • Leave room
  • Jump to the other side using chandelier
  • Push the large metal box 4 times
  • Red rupee from chest (235R)
  • Main room
  • Pull chain + Enter door down stairs
  • Small Key
  • Redead 1 (255R)
  • Poe 2
  • Main Room
  • Enter left room
  • Take the path on the left and climb up the destroyed stairs
  • Enter rat room backwards (Don't get the key)
  • Poe 3 room backwards (Kill 2nd redead if needed) (275R/295R)
  • Back to main room + Enter big door
  • Boss Key Early (Leave The Boss Key For Later)
  • Kill Stalfos with B&C
  • Death Sword
  • Spinner
  • To Spinner room
  • Boss Key
  • Enter Stallord
  • Stallord
  • Exit Arbiter's Grounds

City In The Sky

  • Mirror Chamber Warp Portal (From now on you have to zoom in all the way on the map then press Z to enable portals)
  • Warp Kakariko
  • Early City in the Sky
  • Fix Cannon
  • Enter City in the Sky
  • LJAs Over First Room
  • Transform Wolf
  • Approach and open door very slowly to skip the trigger
  • Exit Window on Left
  • Bridge
  • Small Key
  • Argorok Cutscene Skip
  • Enter East Wing
  • Fan Room
  • Block Room LJAs
  • Quick Dynalfos Fight
  • Ooccoo Jump
  • Aeralfos
    • Aeralfos Skip is possible but risky, as the Aeralfos has to kill you through the gate.
  • Double Clawshots
  • Leave room
  • Clawshot around walls
  • Clawshot pull switch and enter door
  • Clawshot across
  • Stand on the very edge
  • Boomerang first Deku Baba down
  • Clawshot as far back as you can
  • Clawshot down furthest Deku Baba
  • Clawshot to furthest netting (You can skip one)
  • Early Boss Key
  • Enter Boss Key Room
  • Boss Key
  • Drop down
  • Skip Turning on Fans
  • Fan Tower
  • Enter Argorok
  • Clawshot vines
  • Argorok
  • Equip Boots and enter cannon to exit

Palace of Twilight

Hyrule Castle

Last updated 04/02/2023 – bewildebeest