All Dungeons (No BiTE)

This RTA-friendly version of the Wii All Dungeons route is slower than the Wii All Dungeons BiTE route but is RTA-friendly.

Note that most GCN&Wii tricks/glitches linked in this route are done on Gamecube and therefore are mirrored on the Wii version.

Runs should start with a blank file in slots 1, 2, and 3.

Route intended for Wii 1.0 (any region)

Equips are routed into the route and listed after changes occur.


Faron Province

  • South Faron Portal
  • Faron Vessel
  • First Two Bugs (Ignore Tears)
  • Bugs Inside Coro''s House
  • Bug Outside Coro''s House
  • Bugs Before Tunnel (Ignore Tears)
  • Bugs on Left Wall (Ignore Tears)
  • Bugs in Tree Trunk
  • Ignore Burrowed Bugs
  • EMS (Right Wall)
  • Enter Sacred Grove
  • Save On File 1 (Will Be Used For Early Boss Fights For Early Clawshot)
  • Chase Skull Kid
  • Solve Master Sword Puzzle [LD UUU RR DDD LU]
  • Master Sword
    • Warp South Faron with Midna
  • Collect Missed Tears
  • Lantern through Mist
  • Kill Bugs Before They Burrow + Get Tears
    • Get 10R Dig Spot Behind Sign While Waiting For Tears (10R)
  • North Faron Portal
  • Kill Bugs Outside Forest Temple
  • Burn Web to Forest Temple
  • Collect Tears as Human
  • Vessel Complete
  • One Frame Backflip
    • Warp North Faron with Midna
  • Ending Blow
  • Enter Forest Temple

Forest Temple

Eldin Transition

  • Dash to Hyrule Field South
  • Mail Man Skips as Wolf
  • Enter Eldin Twilight
  • Kakariko Gorge Portal
    • Forced Warp South Faron
  • Dash to Hyrule Field
  • Lanayru Gate Clip
  • Kargarok Skip + Kargarok Flight
  • Zora''s Domain Portal
    • Warp North Faron
    • Warp Bridge to Kakariko Gorge With Midna
  • Avoid Bulblin 1 Trigger (Dig Under Gate and Hug Wall)
  • Enter Kakariko
  • Get Kakariko Warp Portal

Eldin Twilight

Lakebed I - Getting Ooccoo

  • Warp Death Mountain
  • Transform in the Corner
    • Warp Rock to Zora''s Domain as Human
  • One Frame Sidehop to Skip Midna Text
  • Rutela skip
  • Lanayru Vessel
  • Swim to Center of Lake
  • Midna Dive into Lakebed
  • Save on File 2 + Reset
  • Load File 1
  • Howl at Stone [MUD MUD]
  • Skip Cutscenes + Reset To Set EBF
  • Load File 2 (File # No Longer Matters)
  • First Room
  • Helmasaur LJA + Wolf Dash
  • Staircase Room for Ooccoo
  • Around to Other Side
  • Turn Bridge + Staircase Down
  • To Single Cog Room 1F
  • Ooccoo Out

Lanayru Twilight

  • First Bug After Bridge
  • Lake Hylia Portal
  • Stepping Stones Bug
    • Warp Zora''s Domain
  • Wall Bug and Rutela skip
  • Drop to Bug (Left Side)
  • Lilypad Bugs (Keep Them Dry on NA Wii 1.0)
  • Bug on Cliff
  • Iza''s Bug
  • River to Hyrule Field North
  • Dash to Castle Town (Left Side)
  • Castle Town Portal
  • Castle Town Bug
    • Warp Lake Hylia
  • Bug Behind Fyer''s House (Keep It Dry on NA Wii 1.0)
  • Howl for Kargarok
  • Kargarok Bugs
  • Bug on Dock
  • Boss Bug
  • Vessel Complete

Lakebed II - Clawshot + Morpheel

  • Warp Zora''s Domain with Midna
  • UZR Portal
  • Steal Bombs With Ooccoo JR
  • Start Emptying the Lent Bomb Bag
    • Far Side of Single Cog Room
  • Boomerang + Bomb Stalactite
  • SK Chest
  • Backtrack to Center Room + Locked Door on 2F
  • Boomerang + Bomb Stalactite
  • Lent Bomb Bag MUST BE EMPTY
  • 5WB Chest to Left
  • Ooccoo Out
    • Warp Zora''s Domain
  • Goron Bomb Bag (4WB)
    • Goron Bag Needs To Be Empty For CitS
  • Rocket Link (3WB)
  • Ooccoo Back
  • Cross Vines to Door
  • Head to Deku Toad on Wii
    • Hang, Drop + JS to Land On Platform To Door (Semi-Precise)
  • Early Deku Toad
  • 1 Cycle With Master Sword
  • Clawshot
  • Clawshot Out + Back to Center Room
  • Vine Clip (Use Normal Bombs or Clawshot)
  • Morpheel with Water Bombs
    • Max 3 Bomb
  • Exit Lakebed

Midna''s Desperate Hour

  • Wolf to Telma''s Bar
  • Push Box Once + Dash Jump to Window
  • Ropes
  • Jovani''s Poe
  • Sewers
  • First Web with Stick as Wolf
  • Second Web with Lantern as Human
  • Dig Into Hole
  • Bulblin Archer
  • Tower Climb
  • Early Wind Cycle
  • Zelda Cutscene

Desert Province

  • Warp Lake Hylia with Midna
  • Auru''s Memo
  • Dash to Fyer
  • Show Auru''s Memo
  • Cannon to Gerudo Desert
  • Dash to Bulblin Outlook Camp
  • Grab a Boar
  • Boar through Barricades
  • Enter Bulblin Camp
  • Activate Map Glitch
  • Map Glitch to KB3
    • 4 Backflips
    • 2 Sidehops
    • 3 Backflips
    • Pull Out Sword
    • Backwalk off Edge
    • Jumpslash for Forward Momentum
  • KB3
  • Boar to Arbiter's Grounds
  • Enter Arbiter's Grounds

Arbiter's Grounds (Poe 1 Skip)

(Note: Start Emptying the Goron Bomb Bag for CitS. You Still Need Some Bombs for SPR)

Arbiter's Grounds (No Poe 1 Skip)

(Note: Start Emptying the Goron Bomb Bag for CitS. You Still Need Some Bombs for SPR)

Routes Merge Here

Snowpeak Ruins

  • Mirror Chamber Portal
    • Warp Zora''s Domain (Zoom In to Enable Portals)
  • Enter Snowpeak
  • Map Glitch
  • Climb Snowpeak
  • Howling Stone at Top [UMD MD UMD]
  • Snowboarding (100R)
  • Enter Snowpeak Ruins
  • Yeta
  • Yeto
  • Block Puzzle Room
  • Dig to Courtyard
  • Spinner Bomb Boost to Cross Courtyard
  • Freezard Clip
  • Darkhammer
  • Ball and Chain
  • Exit Darkhammer
  • Bomb Boost to 2F
  • Locked Door in Ice Floor Room
  • Clear Freezard Room
  • Take Cannonball to 2F Cannon
  • Cannon Launch Cannonball
  • Cannonball to Courtyard + Kill Freezard with Cannonball
  • Boss Key Room
  • Blizzeta
  • Gainer
  • Exit Snowpeak Ruins

Goron Mines

City in the Sky

Temple of Time

  • Equip Iron Boots
  • Exit City in the Sky
  • Jumpslash in Midair to Land on Bridge (2HP Falling Damage)
    • Warp North Faron
  • Reach Lost Woods
  • Skull Kid Chase
  • Strike Master Sword
  • Sacred Grove Portal
  • Enter Past
  • Strike Master Sword
  • Enter Temple of Time
  • Pot on Pressure Plate
  • Torches for Small Key
  • Ooccoo Skip
    • Hug Right Wall, No Special Tricks
  • First Gate Skip
  • Second Gate Skip (Kill only Lizalfoses) (13 WB)
  • Spinner to 4F
  • Statue Skip Using Block Cutscene
  • Armoses with Sword
  • Small Key
  • Locked Door in Circle Room
  • Slash Crystal Switch
  • Skip Shooting Crystal Switch Again
  • Bombarrow Crystal Switch 3x to Advance (10 WB)
  • Skip Enemies + Move On
  • Early Boss Key
  • Boss Key
  • Jump Down Right and Enter Door
  • Small Key
  • Electric Barrier
  • Armoses with Bomb Arrows (8 WB)
  • Darknut
  • Dominion Rod
  • Savewarp
  • Door of Time Skip
  • Room Before Boss
  • Armogohma
  • Fakeout Cutscene
  • Arrow Eyeball 3x
  • Exit Temple of Time

Palace of Twilight

Hyrule Castle

Last updated 07/23/2022 – TreZc0_