バグなし (JP Glitchless) MS-After

  • This run starts from a savefile just after obtaining the Master Sword. For exact specifications, check the speedrun.com rules.
  • The Rupee route in this run hinges on a single factor: Once you get to Castle Town for the sidequests, you want to be at or below 200R so you can collect a 100R Chest. If you have more than 200R you will be unable to collect this and will need a backup instead (written in route)

Gerudo Desert

  • Warp to Lake Hylia
  • Auru's Memo
  • Swim to Fyer with ZA
  • Show Memo and go to Desert Province
  • Use Boar to get into Bulblin Camp
  • Get Small Key
  • King Bulblin 3
  • Enter Arbiter's Grounds as Human

Arbiter's Grounds

  • First room as Human
  • Pull chain
  • Small Key
  • Light torches, transform Wolf before central chamber
  • Poe 1 + Poe Scent
  • Pull chain + enter downstairs door
  • Small Key
  • Redead 1 [70R]
  • Poe 2
  • Back to main room
  • Climb stairs and enter door behind you
  • Pull block once, then pull the chandelier up
  • Small Key
    • Skip the Redead guarding the Key
  • Use 1 Bomb Arrow + Stab to kill each Redead [110R+]
  • Poe 3
  • Small Key
  • Enter central chamber
  • Across chandelier into next room
  • Push block 8 times
  • Pull the chandelier chain
  • Transform and roll under chandelier
  • Enter door
  • Bomb Arrow Stalfos
  • Light Torches
  • Poe 4
  • Back to central chamber
  • Go through Poe Door
  • Early Boss Key
  • Ignore Boss Key, enter next room
  • Bomb Chest near the door on the other side of the room
  • Kill Stalfos with Bombs
  • Enter Death Sword room
  • Deathsword 1-Cycle
  • Spinner
  • Leave, head to big spinner room
  • Use spinner tracks to get back to Boss Key
  • Get Boss Key
  • Head to Boss Room
  • Stallord


  • Open Mirror Chamber warp portal
  • Raise Mirror
  • Warp ZD and get Ashei's Sketch
  • Warp Kakariko
  • Go to Graveyard and show Sketch to Ralis
  • Warp ZD and fish for Reekfish
  • Climb Snowpeak
  • Snowpeak warp portal
  • Snowboarding (collect Rupees on the shortcut) [130R+]
    • Can try for Purple&Red from treetops to save time later [200R+, don't go over 210R!]
  • Enter SPR

Snowpeak Ruins

  • Talk to Yeta to get Map
  • Enter next room and talk to Yeto
  • Block puzzle
  • Enter courtyard and dig under wall
  • Spinner Bomb Boost
  • Push cannon to aim at Freezard
  • Get Small Key under snow
  • Unlock door and take cannon ball to cannon
  • Kill Freezard
  • Darkhammer
  • Ball & Chain
  • Back to courtyard
  • Break Ice, then dig up Small Key
  • Bomb Boost to top floor
  • Enter door nearest to you and then the door on your right
  • Enter next door on your right
  • Kill Freezards and move blocks with B&C
  • Kill next Freezard and move cannon to aim into room
  • Go to bottom floor and kill last Freezard. Enter door
  • Bring cannon ball back to cannon on top floor
  • Shoot it into the room, then transfer the ball into the outside cannon
  • Shoot courtyard cannon at Freezard
  • Defeat Chillfos before Boss Key
    • Use up your remaining Water Bombs, Bomb Arrows or just waste them
  • Boss Key
  • Blizzeta

Temple of Time

  • Warp N. Faron
  • Use Golden Cuccoo to get to Sacred Grove
  • Skull Kid 2 (chase as Human)
  • Light torches to get Bomb Chest
  • Grove warp portal
  • Enter Temple of Time
  • Break left pot for guaranteed 20 Arrows
  • Pot on pressure plate
  • Small Key with Lantern
  • Gate Skip 1
  • Gate Skip 2 (Bomb Arrow Lizalfos)
  • Head Upstairs using Spinner
  • Skip using Elevator
  • Kill Armos with Bomb Arrows
  • Small Key and exit back to previous room
  • Avoid Blade Traps and enter next room
  • Slash crystal switch
  • Skip Shooting Crystal again
  • Bomb Arrow Crystal Switch 3 times moving onto next section each time
  • Bomb Arrow all enemies that have grouped up in the last section
  • Boss Key Early with Clawshot from the edge of the scales
  • Boss Key
    • L-target to shoot Bomb Arrow straight ahead to kill Armos
    • Clawshot each Helmasaur’s shell, then spin attack to kill both
      • Can grab Red Rupee from small chest if low on Rupees
  • Exit Boss Key room
  • Jump Down and enter door
  • Small Key
    • Optionally, Bomb Arrow the Lizalfos
  • Electric Gate Skip with Clawshot
  • Kill Armos
  • Darknut
  • Dominion Rod
  • Bring Statue out of Darknut room
  • Smash rolling spikes with Statue if needed
  • Blade Trap Room
  • Scales Skip
  • Break Movable Walls with Statue
  • Circle Room
  • Put Statue in bell
  • Exit Room
  • Clawshot over gate
  • Smash next gate with Statue
  • Unlock Door of Time
  • Room Before Boss
  • Break Pot before Boss Door for 20A if needed
  • Armogohma
    • Collect Arrows+Hearts while waiting for cycles

Getting to City in the Sky

  • Exit ToT
  • Warp Castle Town
  • Transform Wolf & Dash to Bridge of Eldin
  • Bridge of Eldin Portal
  • Warp Lake Hylia
  • Use Fyer's Cannon to Gerudo Desert [120R+ / 190R+]
  • Dash to Gerudo Mesa
  • Gerudo Mesa Portal
  • Warp Bridge to Bridge of Eldin
  • Warp to Kakariko
  • Get Renado's Letter
  • Warp Castle Town
  • Give Letter to Telma
  • Show Invoice to Doctor
  • Get Medicine Scent and talk to Cat outside Bar
  • If between 150R and 200R, collect spinner 100R before Stalhounds
  • Wooden Statue
    • Collect rupees from Stalhounds [300R , there are extra rupees in South Faron as well]
  • Warp Kakariko and show Ilia the statue
  • Warp to Bridge of Eldin
  • Enter Hidden Village
  • Bulblin Archery
  • Show Rod to Impa
  • Use special spot to warp to Kakariko
  • If needed, Shoot Bell with Bomb Arrow for Silver Rupee [300R]
    • This is a backup purely in case you went over 200R before Stalhounds
  • Show Shad the book to restore Dominion Rod
  • Warp Eldin Bridge and get 1st Rune
  • Warp Castle Town and get 2nd Rune
  • Dash to Lake Hylia bridge and get 3rd Rune
  • Warp to Mesa and get 4th Rune
  • Warp to South Faron and get 5th Rune behind boulder
    • Collect Rupees from Boulder if needed [300R]
  • Warp Kak Gorge and get 6th Rune
  • Warp to Kakariko and show Shad the finished book
  • Warp Cannon to Lake Hylia
  • Fix Cannon [0R]
  • Enter City

City in the Sky

  • Shoot Crystal Switch with Clawshot
  • Use Ooccoo and a Jumpslash to get across the room
  • Exit central room through window
  • Spinner to place bridge
  • Small Key
  • Argorok Cutscene Skip
  • Enter East wing
  • Spinner to place bridge
  • Roll past two fans then use Boots and sidehop across blue blocks
  • Mix jumps and jumpslashes to cross block room
  • Throw Boomerang to get rid of final Tile Worm
  • Quick Dynalfos Fight
  • Ooccoo Jump
  • Jump down or use Ooccoo to get to Mini-Boss door
  • Aeralfos 1-cycle
  • Double Clawshots
  • Clawshot the target on the left, move down, then Clawshot the switch
  • Exit the Room
    • Grab Arrows from pot before leaving
  • Clawshot around the room up to the switch
  • Clawshot to the door behind the open gate and enter it
  • Clawshot across the targets and enter door
  • Clawshot the Babas to bring them down then Clawshot across, enter central room
  • Go straight ahead and Clawshot over to the door
  • Go across the bridge and enter the door
  • Stand by the Vines and Clawshot down across
  • Clawshots up to left ledge
  • Drop down to the lower area
  • Clawshot Crystal Switch
  • Clawshot to bring Babas down
  • Clawshot your way up and enter the Big Baba room
  • Distract Big Baba and Clawshot up to target
  • Clawshot to vines and walk across thin platforms
  • Clawshot up pillars and down into center of room. Enter door
  • Fast Peahat Cycle
  • Peahat eLJA
  • Enter door
  • Clawshot across Peahats
  • Clawshot up to vines (precise)
  • Turn Wolf and walk across the ropes
    • Optional: Jump Attack at the Kargaroks
  • Go to door, transform before entering
  • Sidehop+Equip Boots, then Clawshot lever
  • Boss Key
  • Jump down the hole and Clawshot the grate at the top, then lower downwards
  • Clawshot lever to activate the Fan
  • Head outside and use the fans to get Across
  • Enter fan tower
  • Clawshot your way up the room and open the Boss Door
  • Argorok

Palace of Twilight

Hyrule Castle

  • Leave Palace of Twilight
  • Warp Castle Town
  • Mailman then enter Castle Town
  • Squidna cutscene
  • Enter Hyrule Courtyard
  • Barrier 1 with Bomb Arrow
  • Barrier 2 with Bomb Arrows
  • Beat KB4 and get Key
  • Roll back to the entrance and enter the Castle
  • Barrier 4 with Bomb Arrows
  • Clawshot up and enter the door
  • Darknut Room
  • Torch puzzle (SW, NE, NW, SE)
  • Bomb Arrow Dynalfos
  • Aeralfos
  • Small Key
  • Link gets “rescued” cutscene
  • Boss Key
  • Enter Final Tower
  • Block Room Shortcut
  • Bomb Arrow Lizalfos
  • Darknut Fight
  • Enter Final Battle
  • Ganondorf
Last updated 09/19/2022 – FX