General Tips


This video goes over important combat considerations and techniques such as running slashes, quickly charged spin attacks, and autospins.

Rupee Text Skips

If you stand next to a Rupee and sidehop over it, you can collect the Rupee without seeing the text that normally pops up

Collecting a Rupee while in the air or on Epona will also skip any Rupee text

Faster Double Door Cutscenes

Link has different animations depending on whether you go through the left or right door at a set of double doors. The right door animation is faster than the left by about 20 frames, so it's generally better to go through double doors from the right side. This does not apply to doors that go into a loading zone.

(Note: On Wii, this is reversed due to the entire game being mirrored, so opening left doors is preferred on Wii)

Quick Midna Jumps

When you press Z to call Midna for a Midna Jump, there's an animation of her flying towards the target spot. For certain jumps, there is 1 frame where you can input a jump before the animation starts and skip needing to watch it. This is used primarily in Castle Sewers.

Burning Webs

Besides Lantern, you can also burn webs using the Ball & Chain, and by shooting Bomb Arrows at them

Quick transform with C-up

If you C-up before calling Midna, it will skip the mini cutscene of the camera panning and allow you to transform immediately

Sidehop through steam without Iron Boots

You can sidehop through the steam jets on Death Mountain without needing boots on. You require a shield to do this though

'DF' Walking

When standing still, if you hold L for 2 frames before rolling, you will get to max speed faster than just rolling from a standstill

Quick aiming

Using C-up followed by an aim item immediately afterwards lets you aim faster than any other method.

When you're stuck onto walls with double clawshots, you can get into first person aim quicker by pressing the clawshots button, then tapping L quickly.

Easy golden bug grabbing from the ground

Normally when you walk near some golden bugs, they will fly away, but if you hold L and walk towards them they won't be scared off.

Easy golden bug grabbing from the boomerang

If the boomerang returns to Link while he's in the animation of putting another item away, he will skip the animation of catching the boomerang, giving more of an opportunity to catch flying bugs.

Make golden bugs land on the ground

Aiming the boomerang above a golden bug will get it caught lower in the boomerang's gale, making it land on the ground when the boomerang returns instead of flying away.

Quick air meter

If you resurface from underwater quickly and then try to sink again, the air meter will appear quicker than it normally does. This is usually a bad thing, as having a quick air meter can make tricks like Pillar Clip or the Morpheel backup impossible.

Quick poe lure

Approaching poes that live high in the air with senses off will cause them to approach Link earlier than approaching with senses on. This is not useful for poes that live near the ground.

Time of day info

  • Morning starts at 6:00, while night starts at 19:00. Stalhounds and most poes will appear when night begins and disappear when morning starts. These poes are available at all times of day:
    • Jovani's poe
    • All dungeon poes, including Sacred Grove past poe (behind owl statue)
    • Poes in grottos and caves
    • Faron purple mist central tree stump poe
    • Both Sacred Grove poes (past waterfall and Grove 1 fight arena), but not Master Sword pedestal poe
    • First and second poes ascending Snowpeak (not third poe)
    • Poe on hill outside Snowpeak Ruins
  • Kakariko Village Malo Mart is open from 6:00 to 20:00 until it becomes open at all times after opening the Castle Town Malo Mart
  • 1 in-game minute takes 21 frames to pass except as described below in the fishing pond.
  • Time does not pass during warps, loads, or textboxes, nor does it pass in caves (except the Snowpeak connection cave), grottos, indoor areas, villages, or dungeons, including Temple of Time (Grove area) and the entrance area before Arbiter's Grounds.

In the fishing pond, the speed at which time passes depends on the time of day.

Time of DayFrames per in-game minute
13:00-20:0021 (normal speed)
20:00-04:007 (3x speed)
4:00-10:0021 (normal speed)
10:00-13:0011 (~2x speed)

Likewise, speed is variable in Bulblin Camp before defeating King Bulblin 3.

Time of DayFrames per in-game minute
05:00-03:598 (~3x speed)
04:00-04:59time does not advance

There are a few places that will automatically set the time of day to a certain time. For example, Palace of Twilight will change time to night, and City in the Sky will set time to noon. You can abuse this to set time to specific times you desire. Here is a list of events that set specific times.

AreaSet Time of Day
During twilights / Palace of Twilight0:00
After Forest Temple12:00
After King Bulblin 117:00
After Goron Mines12:00
After Lanayru Twilight12:00
After Lakebed Temple12:00
During MDH21:00
After MDH6:00
Entering Stallord via AG21:00
After Snowpeak Ruins12:00
Entering Sacred Grove 25:00
Finishing Sacred Grove 2 Skull Kid fight8:00
After Temple of Time12:00
After City in the Sky12:00
Cave of Ordeals Floor 1623:00

Howling stone songs

Sacred Grove


Death Mountain


Upper Zora's River


Lake Hylia




Hidden Village


Last updated 04/08/2023 – bewildebeest