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Any% RTA

This is the optimal route for any version of the game. The japanese language is the fastest language. Italian is the 2nd fastest and is about 2 minutes slower than japanese. French is a few seconds slower than Italian.

The purpose of this page is to remind runners where to go and what to do for the run. It does not go into specific detail on things such as movement or trick inputs.

Runs should start with blank Hero Mode files in slots 1 and 2, and a New Adventure file in slot 3.


  • Talk to Fledge (5x80 for Log in Sealed Grounds)
  • Rescue Remlit (2x10 for Skyview Crystal)
  • Save at Upper Academy(UA) Statue
  • Use RBM to activate the Faron Light Pillar on File 1
    • BiT via Killing Post
    • Void-Out to UA
    • BiTSave File 1
    • Enter the Goddess Statue
    • Strike the Pedestal and Place the Emerald Tablet
    • Perform the RBM by starting File 1 about one second after the second camera change, as the light pillar forms
  • Enter the Goddess Statue
  • Grab the Goddess Sword and Raise the Pedestal
  • Zelda Cutscene at Goddess Statue
  • Groose Cutscene at Plaza
  • Enter and Leave Wryna's House (0x04 for Vine to Deep Woods)
  • Run through Waterfall Cave (take 4 hearts of damage from chus)
  • Watch Zelda Cutscene after the Cave
  • S&Q at the Waterfall Cave Statue, Copy File 1 to File 3, Start File 1
  • Rescue your Loftwing
  • Save at Prompt and Skip the Wing Ceremony Cutscene
  • Use BiT to Reverse BiTWarp File 2 into the Sky
    • Jump off west cliff to die and activate BiT
    • Select File 2 and go back to the Splash Screen
    • Save while opening the Splash Screen to File Dupe File 3 over File 2
    • BiTSave File 1
    • Reverse BiTWarp with File 2 into the Sky
  • Fly towards Faron Pillar, watch Pillar Fi Text (unlocks Loftwing Dismount)
  • Deathwarp with Guay
  • Rescue the Loftwing again
  • Do 12 flaps, dive to the Zipper near the Faron Pillar to take 4 damage, Enter Faron

Faron Woods & Skyview Temple

  • Save at the Sealed Grounds Spiral Statue
  • Use BiT to Reverse BiTWarp File 3 into Skyview Temple
    • Activate BiT with Fall Damage
    • Copy File 3 to File 1
    • Bonk tree with File 3 to open the UA Gates
    • One-Frame Copy File 2 to File 3
    • Check the UA Statue with File 1, BiTSave File 3, but do NOT START
    • Select File 1 to Open the Gate again, jump and call the loftwing behind the Bazaar
    • Enter the Sky near the Village Windmill with File 3
    • Dive to the Faron Pillar with File 1, Enter the Pillar with File 1, Select File 3 during the Fadeout
    • Perform the Log Trick with File 1, Enter Behind the Temple
    • Perform the Log Jump, enter Faron Woods with File 1
    • Avoid selecting File 1 in Faron Woods, BiTSave File 1 at In the Woods
    • Select File 2/3 before climbing the log, watch away from the Lake Floria Doors, Select File 1 and die to the Octorok
    • Enter Deep Woods with File 3
    • Select File 1 then select File 3, then skip the cutscene by holding 2, Re-select File 3 during the crystal cutscene
    • Start File 3 and then hold 2 to skip the cutscene to Reverse BiTWarp into Skyview Temple
      • If the Staldra Room doesn't have a door, then you skipped the cutscene too quickly
  • Enter Staldra Room, Defeat Staldra
  • Get the Boss Key (skyward strike vines)
  • Defeat Ghirahim (the Heart Container is useless)
  • Save at Prompt, Manually Reset

Eldin Volcano

  • Use BiT to Reverse BiTWarp File 3 into the Goddess Statue
    • Load File 2 and Activate BiT via Fall Damage
    • Bonk tree with File 1 to open UA Gates
    • Reverse BiTWarp File 3 into the Goddess Statue by starting File 3 then running into the loading zone
  • Place the Ruby Tablet, Get the Tunic
  • Save at the Prompt, Manually Reset
  • Use BiT to Reverse BiTWarp File 3 into Eldin
    • Load File 2 and Activate BiT via Fall Damage
    • Check the Bazaar Statue with File 1, BiTSave File 2 at Bazaar, but DO NOT START
    • Run to platform behind the Bazaar and call the loftwing with File 3 selected, Switch to File 2 during Sky Fadeout (otherwise you will crash)
    • Dive to the Faron Pillar, Enter Pillar with File 1 selected, Select File 2 during the Fadeout
    • Perform the Log Trick with File 3, Enter Behind the Temple with File 1
    • BiTSave File 3 at the Behind the Temple Statue (positionning important), then fly out to the sky with File 2 selected
    • In the Sky, fly towards the zipper to Eldin, dive and then remount the loftwing with File 3 into the zipper (to load the Eldin Pillar and have a speed boost)
    • Fly loftwing to the invisible Eldin Pillar
    • Start File 3 to Reverse BiTWarp into Eldin
  • Jumpslash and take 2 hearts of damage
  • Run Out of Bounds to the Temple Entrance, take 2 extra hearts of damage when jumping down from the Cliff to Temple Entrance.
  • Save at Temple Entrance statue
  • Use RBM to open the Earth Temple early on File 3
    • Die via lava to activate BiT
    • Enter Item seller's house (next to the graveyard)
    • Sleep to night
    • Exit house with File 1/2 selected
    • Cross bridge, run to graveyard and slash back left grave
    • Perform the RBM by starting File 3, then pushing the grave back to start shed CS
  • Skip the cutscene to enter Earth Temple

Earth Temple

  • Camera manipulation for early platform cycle
  • Lower drawbridge with CS skips and with Keese Trick
  • Avoid Lizalfos and Skyward Strike bomb to loose boulder
  • Save at the statue on the island in the center
  • Use RBM to raise the platforms and skip the boulder section on File 3
    • Activate BiT via lava
    • Void-Out near Lower Academy Doors (LA) to respawn on the other side
    • Enter the Knight Academy on the splash screen (use the wiimotion+ tutorial prompt)
    • Perform the RBM by talking to Pipit (guy with yellow tunic) and starting File 3 as you close his 7th textbox
  • Die into the bridge cutscene in the lava to raise the peg platforms
  • Stuttersprint up slopes
  • Dragon Sculpture
  • Bomb Flower Scaldera, damage down to 2 hearts during the fight
    • Skip Heart Container
  • Amber Tablet
  • Cancel at prompt

Lanayru Desert

  • Re-enter Earth Temple
  • Save at the Earth Temple Entrance Statue (5x80 for Log in Sealed Grounds, 0x40 for Behind the Temple Statue Cutscene, 1x10 for Log at Behind the Temple, 3x80 for first Log in Faron Woods, 2x10 for Skyview Crystal, 0x04 for Vine to Deep Woods)
  • Use RBM to activate the Lanayru Pillar on File 1
    • Activate BiT via Lava
    • Bonk tree with File 1 to open the UA Gates
    • Collect the Rupee by jumping into it with File 3 to load the Amber Tablet
    • Enter the Goddess Statue with File 1/2, Place the Amber Tablet
    • Perform the RBM by starting File 1 about one second after the second camera change, as the light pillar forms
  • Fly to Lanayru
  • Save at Mine Entry statue
  • Early Gorge BiTWarp with File 1
    • Activate BiT via Bomb Flower
    • Void-Out to UA
    • BiTWarp File 1 via UA
  • Run OoB to the Lanayru Caves
  • Enter the Lanayru Gorge

Lanayru Gorge

  • Save at the Lanayru Gorge Statue
  • Use RBM to Blow up the Escort Rock on File 1
    • Activate BiT via Bomb on Cactus
    • BiTSave File 2 at Bazaar, but DO NOT START
    • Press B to menu back to the splash screen
    • Jump off plaza platform and select File 2 during the fadeout to the Sky (otherwise you will crash)
    • Dive to the Faron Pillar, Enter Pillar with File 1 selected, Select File 3 during the Fadeout
    • Dodge the Deku Babas, Select File 3 to bring the Log down, Enter Behind the Temple with File 3
    • Select File 3, Go near Behind the Temple Statue, Select and Start File 1 after cutscene begins to perform the RBM
  • Commit with Skyward Strike on the Bomb on Cactus
  • Save again
  • Use RBM to Skip the Minecart Escort on File 1
    • Activate BiT via Bomb on Cactus
    • BiTSave File 2 at Bazaar, but DO NOT START
    • Press B to menu back to the splash screen
    • Jump off plaza platform and select File 2 during the fadeout to the Sky (otherwise you will crash)
    • Dive to the Faron Pillar, Enter Pillar with File 1 selected, Select File 3 during the Fadeout
    • Dodge the Deku Babas, Log Trick with File 3, Enter Behind the Temple with File 2
    • Open the Splash Screen for Log Clip, Enter Faron Woods with File 2
    • Defeat the bokoblins with File 1 selected to save Machi
    • Perform the RBM by starting File 1 and clearing Machi's first textbox simultaneously (this temporary flag will go away if you leave the Lanayru Gorge or save after a death)
  • Commit the flag by bonking Pillar near Thunder Dragon
  • Save again
  • Gorge BiTWarp with File 1
    • Activate BiT via Bomb on Cactus
    • Void-Out to UA
    • BiTWarp File 1 via UA
  • Run around the northeastern out of bounds map section
  • Precise OoB Jump
  • Drop down into the escort ending damageless and drown near the door (use brakesliding to get there)
  • Wait for minecart to reach it's final resting point then save
  • Use RBM to Heal the Thunder Dragon on File 1
    • Activate BiT via Bomb on Cactus
    • BiTSave File 2 at Bazaar, but DO NOT START
    • Press B to menu back to the splash screen
    • Jump off plaza platform and select File 2 during the fadeout to the Sky (otherwise you will crash)
    • Dive to the Faron Pillar, Enter Pillar with File 1 selected, Select File 3 during the Fadeout
    • Dodge the Deku Babas, Log Trick with File 3, Enter Behind the Temple with File 2
    • Open the Splash Screen for Log Clip, Enter Faron Woods with File 1
    • Use the first log with File 3, then die to the Octorok with File 1 selected
    • Open the Splash Screen to get the first log down again, enter Deep Woods with File 2
    • Select File 1 then skip the cutscene by holding 2
    • Start File 1 as Link leaves the camera before the Door Opening Cutscene to perform the RBM that heals the Thunder Dragon and performs Early Boss Rush


Last updated 02/01/2023 – azer67