Bed Trick & Death Trick

Introduction to Bed Trick, Death Trick & Fadeout Trick

Bed Trick, Death Trick and Fadeout Trick are three different ways to trigger the same glitch in Back in Time. They differ by their activation method, but the results and applications are identical between the three of them.

When performing one of these tricks, you will be able to load your file in the area it was saved at, but you will load at your last entrance instead of at your save point. This has various uses, such as teleporting a file to another files location, triggering cutscenes early, or loading the incorrect entrance in places that have several rooms. All of these are explained below.

Continue Trick is another glitch that can sometimes be perfomed by starting your file too early for all three tricks above. The resulting glitch is different however, and it is generally considered less useful.

Bed Trick

Discovered by peppernicus

Bed Trick is a glitch that can be performed with beds in Back in Time. By sleeping in a bed in BiT from day to day (or from day to night, but that is riskier) and starting your file in a frame perfect fashion, you can load your file in the area it was saved at but you will load at your last entrance instead of at your save point.

This table shows the various results that can happen when you start a file in BiT, and which ones cause bed trick. This only applies to files saved at Bird Statue, and not Save Prompts.

Sleeping in a bedLoad your file very earlyLoad your file earlyLoad your file frame perfectly
Day to DayReverse BiTWarpContinue Trick Bed Trick †
Day to NightReverse BiTWarpReverse BiTWarp Bed Trick †
Night to DayReverse BiTWarpReverse BiTWarpLoads file normally †
Night to NightReverse BiTWarpContinue TrickLoads file normally †

If a file is saved with a forced layer load (especially layers 1 or 2), for example if it is saved at Skyloft night time (layer 2) ; after the Gate of Time raising cutscene (layer 2) ; or after leaving the Eldin Silent Realm (layer 2) ; then you must first get to the same layer in the house you sleep in, and then Bed Trick will work. For example, for a forced layer 2 entrance, you should first sleep to night, then perform bed trick by sleeping to night. In short, the results from starting your file frame perfectly can be inverted if the entrance you want to load has a forced layer.

If you start your file even earlier, you will simply be starting your file normally. If you start your file later, then you will not end Back in Time and you can try again.

Bed Trick is caused by your spawn type when sleeping in beds to be locked to value 0, which is the spawn type used to respawn you at entrances.

When performing bed trick, the screen will be visible again for a split second after sleeping and before the file is started. This short timeframe allows for a file dupe by opening the splash screen during it (see File Duping Teleportation below). During that timeframe, Link will be standing at coordinates 0,0,0 ; and if the saved entrance value on your file exists in the house you sleep in, then you will see Link enter the house with the animation of the corresponding entrance. The layer that loads during that split second also depends on the story flags of the file you start, unless your file is saved after an entrance that forces a layer: in that case, that layer will be forced in the house.

Sometimes, performing bed trick will crash the game instead. When this happens it means you attempted bed trick in a house that does not contain the room number for the area you're attempting to load. All Skyloft houses only have a room 0, and thus these houses can only load a room 0 (for exemple, this means the first room of a dungeon, or only behind the temple in the Sealed Grounds area).

However you can perform bed trick inside the Knight Academy using Link's or Fledge's bed in order to warp to rooms having IDs 0,1,2,3,4,5 or 6. Remember that to do so, you need to enter the Academy with a file that does not have the Hero's Tunic, then update the story information from a file that has the Hero's Tunic (by opening Link's dresser), and then sleeping in the bed. There is however a downside and it's that the file you must start for bed trick inside the Academy usually needs to not have the Hero's Tunic, because sleeping in the Knight's Academy with the Hero's Tunic loads a layer that crashes in Back in Time. The only way to perform a bed trick inside the Academy with a file that has the tunic is if that file is saved with an entrance that forces a layer that does not crash the academy (layer 0, 1 or 2).

Death Trick

Discovered by azer67

By dying in BiT, pressing Continue and then pressing start about half a second later, you can perform a trick known as Death Trick. There is a 2-frame window to activate this glitch (which is more lenient than Bed Trick). If you start your file too early you will be performing a Continue Trick instead (see bottom of this page). The results of this glitch are almost identical to Bed Trick in every way, but can be activated in new places. This means you can now warp to rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 entrances by dying in the Knight Academy (requires being tunic-less for rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6), or if you have the tunic in the Sealed Grounds (for rooms 1 and 2) or in Lake Floria (for rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4).

It is almost always slower to perform Death Trick than to do Bed Trick in Orielle's House for File Duping Teleportation uses, but it allows much more freedom for Cutscene Wrong Warping (see Applications below).

Sometimes, performing death trick will crash the game instead. When this happens it means you attempted death trick in a stage that does not contain the room number for the area you're attempting to load. Furthermore, this trick will almost always crash if performed on Skyloft Outside. This is because performing death trick will lead to the area being loaded according to its story flags, and most files will thus attempt to load a day-time Skyloft layer which crashes BiT. One potential way to avoid a skyloft crash, outside of having a forced layer entrance with a layer that wont crash BiT, is to have a file saved entrance that has night time set. In that case you will call a night layer, which depending on your storyflags can avoid the crash.

Thus, it is recommended to die either in the Statue of the Goddess, or in the Waterfall Cave.

When performing death trick, the screen will be visible again for a split second after sleeping and before the file is started. This short timeframe allows for a file dupe by opening the splash screen during it (see File Duping Teleportation below). During that timeframe, Link will be standing at coordinates 0,0,0 ; and if the saved entrance value on your file exists in the stage you die in, then you will see Link enter the stage with the animation of the corresponding entrance. The layer that loads during that split second also depends on the story flags of the file you start, unless your file is saved after an entrance that forces a layer: in that case, that layer will be forced in the stage where death trick was performed.

Fadeout Trick

Discovered by azer67

The same result as Bed Trick or Death Trick can also be obtained by using some one-off fadeouts in Faron BiT. Starting your file into the following fadeouts can also perform the glitch:

  • Meeting Impa in Sealed Temple layer 1
  • Dying to a watcher in the Faron Silent Realm
  • Both playing the Harp and finishing to play the Harp with Kina
  • Both playing Bamboo Cutting and finishing to play Bamboo Cutting

The first two fadeouts have a very lenient frame window: about 20 frames, which makes them easier than Bed Trick or Death Trick for the same effects. The last two fadeouts are frame perfect and only work with files saved at night-time, thus they have very limited use.

These fadeouts work because they call an entrance, which will reset Back in Time to the splash screen, while at the same time being very short loads because they do not change the loaded stage. The first two loads are lenient because they do not change the layer either.

The crash limitations are the same as with Bed Trick and Death Trick. The main use for this trick is to perform Cutscene Wrong Warping inside the Sealed Temple without obtaining the Bombs.


File Duping Teleportation

After starting your file when performing one of the three tricks above (Bed Trick, Death Trick or Fadeout Trick), the Title Screen logo will appear for a split second, with Link either performing an entrance animation or just standing at the origin of the map. If you open the Splash Screen during this split second and before the loading transition ends, you can copy all of the information from file 3 over the file you started, but still spawn at that file's last entrance point. This is called a File Dupe.

Video forthcoming

This glitch is useful because it allows you to teleport your run file (that needs to be saved on Slot 3 for this trick) to any place File 1 and File 2 last entered. This trick is similar in use to a BiTSave in the sense that it allows for teleporting your file, but whereas a BiTSave is limited to Skyloft and a few areas of the Surface by going to Faron in BiT, this method works for any area where you can save. Simply put the file that's making game progress on slot 3, perform one of the tricks by starting the file saved in the area you want to warp to in a correct fashion, and open the splash screen when it appears. File 2 will now be a perfect copy of File 3 progression-wise, but you will still load where File 2 was saved beforehand.

In Sky Keep, a file dupe teleportation will spawn Link at the last entrance point of the file that is started but with all the information from file 3, including the puzzle layout from file 3. However, if you die afterwards, you will respawn at the last statue file 3 saved at but with the layout that was on file 1 before the file dupe.

Cutscene Wrong Warping (CSWW)

Discovered by peppernicus

When performing one of the tricks above in an area with cutscenes:

  • if your file has a saved entrance value that corresponds to a cutscene entrance ;
  • and if the room loaded in Back in Time as you die has the same ID as the room that would load by starting your file ;

Then during the split second between pressing Start and the load finishing, you will see the cutscene play in BiT. Press 2 during that small timeframe to RBM all the cutscene flags and perform a Reverse BiTWarp into the end of that cutscene. That Reverse BiTWarp has a save prompt effect, which means it will always load the next area correctly. It is also possible to RBM all the cutscene flags without performing a Reverse BiTWarp if the cutscene is skipped late into the fadeout in a two-frame window fashion.

This trick allows many big sequence breaks, such as skipping the Gate of Time, setting Sky Keep as beaten, raising the Gate of Time without the Harp, or entering the Ancient Cistern without the Water Dragon Scale for example. You can also perform a Credits Warp by going to Hylia's Temple in Back in Time and using this trick in the right circumstances. Death Trick is the most used for this because it can be activated almost anywhere. Fadeout Trick can be used inside the Sealed Temple as well. The table below shows many cutscenes that can potentially be accessed with this trick, as well as the corresponding entrances needed to actually trigger them early.

If the entrance saved on your file forces a layer, then the layer must be the same in the area you do the Cutscene Wrong Warp in in BiT, otherwise you will start your file in a black fadeout, with no split second where you can skip cutscenes or trigger flags. These entrances are specified in the table.

It is also possible to combine a CSWW with a File Dupe Teleportation. To do so, put the file you want to continue playing on on File 3, and have File 1 saved at the entrance necessary for the CSWW. Then perform the CSWW by performing the death trick with F1, and then press A and skip the cutscene on the same frame. The A+2 input has a four frame window. It is important for A to be pressed at the same time or a few frames before 2, otherwise the file dupe will fail because the title screen won't open before the cutscene is skipped.

CutsceneEntranceCorresponding entrance(s)
Skyloft (Room 0)
Obtain the Sailcloth Entrance 10 Landing at the Behind the Temple Statue, Landing at the Ancient Harbour Statue, Landing at Skipper's Retreat Statue, Landing at the Shipyard Statue, Landing at the Pirate Stronghold Statue, Sky Keep Power Room after Triforce of Power, Sky Keep Courage Room after Triforce of Courage, Lanayru Gorge after fighting a boss in Boss Rush, but always crashes
Meeting Zelda Cutscene Entrance 13 Going to the sky from the Eldin Pillar, but always crashes
Cutscene after diving into circle with Sailcloth Entrance 25 Always crashes
Groose Cutscene Entrance 40 Always crashes
Rescuing Loftwing Cutscene Entrance 42 Always crashes
Beating the Wing Ceremony Cutscene Entrance 47 Always crashes
Open Sky Keep Entrance 51 Landing at the In the Woods Statue in Faron Woods, but always crashes
1st Part of the Sky Keep beaten cutscene Entrance 54 Always crashes
Title Screen Cutscenes Entrances 55 & 56 Always crashes
2nd Part of the Intro Cutscene Entrance 57 Always crashes
3rd Part of the Intro Cutscene Entrance 58 Always crashes
Goddess Statue (Room 0)
Hero's Tunic Cutscene Entrance 2 -
Cutscene before Goddess Sword Entrance 3 -
Cutscene after Goddess Sword Entrance 5 -
Link's room in the Knight Academy (Room 1)
Cutscene after Zelda fell to the Surface Entrance 1 Go back to Initial Fire Sanctuary Room through first locked door (Save at First Magmanos Statue with BiTWarp), Go back to inside Fire Sanctuary through third locked door (Save at First Magmanos Statue), Leave Ghirahim 2 boss room (Save at First Magmanos Statue with BiTWarp), Catch Plats in Fire Sanctuary after RBMing the heart piece chest (Save at First Magmanos Statue with BiTWarp), Free second trapped Mogma after RBMing the map chest (Save at First Magmanos Statue), Load after Horde Cutscene
Horwell Cutscene after the Hero's Tunic Entrance 2 Entering the Sealed Grounds Spiral from the Sealed Temple Door, Map Chest appears in Fire Sanctuary (Save at First Magmanos Statue), Heart Piece Chest appears in Fire Sanctuary (Save at First Magmanos Statue with BiTWarp), Landing at Inside Fire Sanctuary Statue (Save at First Magmanos Statue with BiTWarp), Free first trapped Mogma after RBMing Mogma Mitts Chest (Save at First Magmanos Statue), Leaving the Scervo fight in Sandship (Save at Scervo Statue, forced layer 1)
4th Part of the Intro Cutscene Entrance 4 Load after cutscene near Sealed Temple Door in Sealed Grounds Spiral, Entering the Sealed Grounds Spiral with the Statue of the Goddess from Behind the Temple
Thunderhead (Room 0)
Learning the Song of the Hero (spawns Levias) Entrance 8 Lower Waterfall Cave exit on Skyloft, Failing the minecart minigame in Shipyard
Isle of Songs (Room 0)
Learn Farore's Courage Entrance 2 -
Learn Nayru's Wisdom Entrance 3 -
Learn Din's Power Entrance 4 Leaving the Lower Academy Left Door to Skyloft, Going to the Sky for the Wing Ceremony, Load after the Sky Keep intro cutscene, Leaving the Great Tree by the lower exit (not the water), Entering Volcano Summit from Eldin, Leaving the lower grotto in Eldin (save at Volcano Entry), Leaving the Lanayru Silent Realm, Exiting Molderach 2 in the Shipyard through the upper door, Healing the Thunder Dragon, Leaving the upper grotto in Bokoblin Base (save at Volcano Entry, forced layer 1)
Sealed Grounds Spiral (Room 1)
Cutscene near Sealed Temple Door Entrance 3 Mogma Mitts chest appears in Fire Sanctuary (Save at First Magmanos Statue), Leaving the Captain's Cabin in the Sandship (Save at Scervo Statue, forced layer 1)
Cutscene after beating Imprisoned 1 part 1 (load into Sealed Temple layer 2) Entrance 5 Landing at the Sealed Grounds Statue with the Statue of the Goddess, Load after Sandship Introductory Cutscene (Save at Scervo Statue, forced layer 1)
2nd Part of the Sky Keep beaten cutscene Entrance 6 Load after beating Ghirahim 3 in Hylia's Realm
Landing for the first time in Sealed Grounds Entrance 8 Landing at the Sealed Grounds Statue
Sealed Grounds Spiral with Statue of the Goddess (Room 1)
Final Cutscene (credits but no load at the end) Entrance 1 Go back to Initial Fire Sanctuary Room through first locked door (Save at First Magmanos Statue with BiTWarp), Go back to inside Fire Sanctuary through third locked door (Save at First Magmanos Statue), Leave Ghirahim 2 boss room (Save at First Magmanos Statue with BiTWarp), Catch Plats in Fire Sanctuary after RBMing the heart piece chest (Save at First Magmanos Statue with BiTWarp), Free second trapped Mogma after RBMing the map chest (Save at First Magmanos Statue), Load after Horde Cutscene
3rd Part of the Sky Keep beaten cutscene Entrance 3 Mogma Mitts chest appears in Fire Sanctuary (Save at First Magmanos Statue), Leaving the Captain's Cabin in the Sandship (Save at Scervo Statue, forced layer 1)
Behind the Temple (Room 0)
Groose Cutscene (forces layer 3, Groose only appears with harp however) Entrance 7 Upper Waterfall Cave exit on Skyloft, Leaving the Gree Tree from the water exit, Leaving the Thunder Node in Lanayru Desert, Landing at Volcano Ascent (Save at Volcano Entry), Landing at Temple Entrance (Save at Volcano Entry)
Sealed Temple (Room 2)
Raise the Gate of Time (forces layer 2) Entrance 4 Leaving the lower grotto in Eldin (save at Volcano Ascent), Leaving the upper grotto in Bokoblin Base (save at Volcano Ascent/East, forced layer 1)
Open the Gate of Time (Does not actually open it, load into Hylia's Temple) Entrance 5 Leaving Din's Silent Realm (save at Volcano Ascent, forced layer 2), Leaving the upper grotto in Eldin (save at Volcano Ascent)
4th Part of the Sky Keep beaten cutscene (sets Sky Keep beaten flags) Entrance 6 Landing at Volcano East (save at Volcano East), Groosenator Launch to Thrill Digger (Save at Volcano Ascent)
Cutscene after beating Imprisoned 1 part 2 (forces layer 2) Entrance 9 Impossible
Zelda and Impa reunion cutscene (credits warp) Entrance 13 Impossible
Hylia's Temple (Room 2)
True Master Sword cutscene (gives the TMS) Entrance 4 Leaving the lower grotto in Eldin (save at Volcano Ascent), Leaving the upper grotto in Bokoblin Base (save at Volcano Ascent/East, forced layer 1)
Fi Farewell Cutscene (credits warp) Entrance 5 Leaving Din's Silent Realm (save at Volcano Ascent, forced layer 2), Leaving the upper grotto in Eldin (save at Volcano Ascent)
Hylia's Realm (Room 1)
Horde Cutscene Entrance 0 -
Entering Ghirahim 3 Cutscene Entrance 2 Hero's Tunic Save Prompt, Entering the Sealed Grounds Spiral from the Sealed Temple Door, Map Chest appears in Fire Sanctuary (Save at First Magmanos Statue), Heart Piece Chest appears in Fire Sanctuary (Save at First Magmanos Statue with BiTWarp), Landing at Inside Fire Sanctuary Statue (Save at First Magmanos Statue with BiTWarp), Free first trapped Mogma after RBMing Mogma Mitts Chest (Save at First Magmanos Statue)
Ghirahim 3 Defeat Cutscene (Parts 1 & 2) Entrances 4 & 5 Load after cutscene near Sealed Temple Door in Sealed Grounds Spiral, Entering the Sealed Grounds Spiral with the Statue of the Goddess from Behind the Temple, Landing at the Sealed Grounds Statue with the Statue of the Goddess
Faron Woods (Room 0)
Cutscene after Tadtones (doesn't set flags) Entrance 49 Load after talking to Owlan in the Academy for the Spiral Charge
Deep Woods (Room 0)
Skyview Entering Cutscene Entrance 12 Going to the Sky from the Faron Pillar, Landing at the Lanayru Gorge Statue
Floria Waterfall (Room 0)
Ancient Cistern Entering Cutscene Entrance 4 Leaving the Lower Academy Left Door to Skyloft, Going to the Sky for the Wing Ceremony, Load after the Sky Keep intro cutscene, Leaving the Great Tree by the lower exit (not the water), Entering Volcano Summit from Eldin, Leaving the lower grotto in Eldin (save at Volcano Entry), Leaving the Lanayru Silent Realm, Exiting Molderach 2 in the Shipyard through the upper door, Healing the Thunder Dragon, Leaving the upper grotto in Bokoblin Base (save at Volcano Entry, forced layer 1)

Note: The cutscenes triggered using this glitch almost always look broken because the cutscene is loaded in an unusual layer.

Stale Entrance Warp (SEW)

Bed Trick, Death Trick and Fadeout Trick can be used in some scenarios to warp to entrances you are normally not able to access. To do so, you must first trigger an entrance in some room. Then you need to change room without triggering any entrance, and save in another room. The saved entrance value will still be from earlier, and performing the trick will now load you in the room you were saved at but with the last entrance value triggered. This causes you to spawn at entrances you've never been before.

One use of this is to spawn near the Ancient Cistern Boss Entrance. Go into the Ancient Cistern Basement by going down the rope first. This is entrance 2 in room 4. Then, use the main statue to climb back up to the main room, which is room 0, and save at the entrance statue. Now performing bed trick/death trick/fadeout trick will load entrance 2 of room 0, which is near the boss.

Note that you cannot die to respawn in another room, as otherwise the game will grab back the entrance value used to enter that room.

Furthermore, if you load an entrance normally locked by a small key, then you can use that door even without it. In short, you can use this glitch to skip small keys.

Entrance Animation Transfer (EAT)

This does not work with Death Trick.

After a bed trick, the game will load you at your last entrance, but without setting your respawn coordinates and angle properly. This means that dying after a bed trick will make you respawn at the coordinates of the statue you saved at before the bed trick, but with the animation of the entrance used to enter the area in the room you saved in if an animation exists.

This does not work with all entrance animations, such as the landing at a statue animation. Landing at a statue does not work because if you die after landing at a statue you respawn at the statue without the animation playing, contrarely to dying after entering a dungeon door entrance for exemple. Thus it only works with entrances that play an animation when you respawn at them after a death. The following entrance animations are known to work:

  • Swinging Doors
  • Lifted Doors
  • The rope in Ancient Cistern
  • Going to the Sky from a pillar
  • Going to the Sky from Skyloft or the Thunderhead

Some of these entrance animations make Link be in a no-clip state, which allows him to clip though walls: most notably lifted door entrances (like in Sky Keep) or the Ancient Cistern rope entrance.

Swinging doors have an interesting effect: after the death, you should respawn at the statue, but because the game tries to play the swinging door animation, you are immediately teleported to the closest swinging door, and that animation plays. In the next video, this is used to get Out of Bounds in Behind the Temple.

Introduction to Continue Trick

Continue Trick is a trick that can happen with both beds and deaths, and that is generally considered less useful. It is however much easier to perform.

Continue Trick

There are two ways to trigger this glitch:

  • By sleeping in a bed in BiT, choose to sleep from Day to Day or Night to Night (which don't change the layer of the room, see the Bed Trick table above). Press Start as the screen fades to black or white (earlier than the frame for Bed Trick) to perform a Continue Trick.
  • By dying in BiT, make sure the game doesn't change the layer when it reloads the area. Press continue and Start the file at the same time to perform a Continue Trick.

The results is that the file you loaded will warp to the respawn location that was set during BiT, and BiT is ended. This can also be combined with a File Dupe. After pressing continue, or after sleeping in the bed, you will see the Title logo for a split second before your file loads. Simply open the Title Screen during the split second you see it during that loading transition in order to File Dupe file 3 over the file you started.

Note: If no respawn location has been set before the death (i.e. you died with out entering an new Area or saving during BiT), you'll crash and get a black screen. That is why you should save at a bird statue if you wish to do it on Skyloft Outside right after activating BiT.

If you die after performing a continue trick, you will respawn at the last statue you saved at before performing the trick.

Continue Trick Reverse BiTWarp

If you try to do a Continue Trick using the Death Method when the game has to change the layer during the load, and if the load is long enough, you will be performing a Continue Trick RBW: this time you will load your file in the area loaded in BiT and respawn with the X, Y and Z coordinated saved on your file, exactly like a normal Reverse BiTWarp.

However, this time the Save Prompt effect does NOT occur: this allows one to respawn with save prompt XYZ coordinates into any map accessible in BiT. Below is the list of the save prompt coordinates that are useful to this:

New Game/Hero Mode 0 0 0
Loftwing Tutorial Prompt 861.865417 0.309706509 5257.47119
Emerald Tablet Prompt -822.545776 94.2758484 -2719.94702
Skyview Temple Prompt -110 1133.43005 650
Earth Temple Prompt -300 13800 -25000
Harp Prompt -38000 50 -4750
Ancient Cistern Prompt -10114.7939 270.519989 -5000
Sandship Prompt -2550 70 0
Fire Sanctuary Prompt 0 -500 -11475.0625
Sky Keep Prompt 0 7599.99023 8935.83008
Save Prompt at the end of Hero Mode -13.132597 0.870000005 2021.47632

In reality there is a major difference between this trick and a normal Reverse BiTWarp: a normal Reverse BiTWarp spawns you at the coordinates where you saved, whereas this trick puts you at the respawn coordinates saved on your file (the coordinates where you should respawn in case you die). Normally those coordinates are never different since saving at a statue or at a save prompt also updates respawn coordinates. There are a few exceptions though: it is possible to perform a Continue Trick RBW to respawn at Bokoblin Base Entrance Coordinates if you save at any Bokoblin Base statue. Saving at such a statue does not save new respawn coordinates and keeps the ones from before the save, due to the fact that a death in this area loads an entrance into the Jail Cell anyway.

Last updated 01/21/2023 – azer67