100% (JP)

This route implements Early Earth Temple. See the bottom of the page for some additional notes on the route.
Refer to the bottom of this page for the various chart sets.
Click here for an image of the Great Sea with quadrant names and notation if you are not familiar with the map.


- Knight's Crest = KC
- Joy Pendant = JP
- Skull Necklace = SN
- Golden Feather = GF


  • Manual Superswim to DRI
    • Wind Waker
  • Rock Skip
  • Delivery bag
  • Mail game for Note to Mom
    • Win 3x, leave + re-enter, win once more [130R]
  • Make your way into Dragon Roost Cavern

Dragon Roost Cavern

  • 1st Small Key
  • Main Room Cutscene Skip with Storage
  • Pull out block fully
  • Continue to small key chest behind barricade
  • Go back to map chest, get chest storage, maneuver to Outside
  • DRC Chest Storage route
    • Climb the outside
    • Open 2nd warp pot
    • Jump down, get Treasure Chart #11 with chest storage (break wooden gate with rock)
    • Jump into lava, take warp pot back up
  • Get Treasure Chart in room with 3 Bokoblins for Treasure Chart #39
  • Get up to grappling hook
    • Miniboss fight
    • Store Medli text
    • Get Moblin orb for rupees [150R]
  • Go inside again and boss key skip
    • Use right chest for Knight's Crest [KC: 1]
  • Gohma with grappling hook only
    • GRAB HEART CONTAINER [Hearts: 4 0/4]

Sail, Leaf, Wallet

  • Zephos Skip with Note to Mom
    • Store right stone, pull wind waker and close before text fully out, pull out letter and close text when letter is out, play song on left stone
  • Superswim to Windfall (don't enter cutscene with camera lock)
  • Get Tingle Tuner
  • Enter Maze for pictobox
    • Leave maze with rat
  • Talk with Miss Marie x2
  • Picture of scared guy in cafe
  • Buy sail and get Town flower [70R]
    • Mail note to mom
  • Double Storage Superswim to FH
  • Wind Waker dive into FH
    • Get Firefly
  • Deku Tree Cutscene Skip and get leaf
    • Savewarp to Outset
  • Leaf over to ledge to get into Forest of Fairies
  • Roll Clip and leaf into fairy fountain for 1000 Wallet
    • Savewarp
  • Hero's clothes from Grandma
    • Leave and get Heart Piece under Grandma's house [Hearts: 4 1/4]
    • Savewarp
  • Telescope from Aryll
    • Set wind NE
  • Fly to invisible Pirate Ship with leaf
    • Spoils bag
    • Savewarp to FF1 Pirate Ship

Forsaken Fortress 1

  • Store Pirate door (for door teleport later)
  • Watch cutscene to enter FF1
    • Gossip Stone text
  • Door Teleport back to pirate ship (open a normal door)
  • Do rope game again for Bombs
    • Savewarp to FF1
  • Do Forsaken Fortress with leaf strats
    • Red rupees [110R]
    • Call tingle, use green ting and leaf over to ladder and then over gap [70R]
    • Skip killing searchlight bokoblin with precise leafing
    • Skip spike rising cs with grappling bokoblin [JP: 1]

Windfall 1

  • Start hide and seek (Try to do everything before Garrickson and Anton + Linda pic, don't slow them down)
    • Buy green ting [30R]
    • Set wind South w/ storage (Makes it so time passes while playing song)
    • Get storage again and activate windmill switch w/ storage and step on it again (activates windmill after reload)
    • Get on top of Mrs Marie Canopy for Balloon Discount event (skip if you're slow)
    • Learn SoP
    • Activate kid behind grave
    • Enter and exit KoRL to fix saveflags (Need south wind)
    • Catch kid, catch kid behind bomb shop
    • Set wind NW w/ storage
    • Catch Ivan in tree
    • Garrickson and Anton pics
  • Enter Lenzo's house, go upstairs and then wait for him downstairs
    • Trade Mail, Bar and then Couple pic, give firefly for DX pictobox
    • Joy Pendant for pictures [JP: 2]
  • Picture of Linda
  • Catch last kid for Heart Piece [Hearts: 4 2/4]
  • Enter Mrs Marie's house
    • Talk to her for 50 rupees [80R]
  • Leave to talk to kids
  • Enter Lenzo upstairs, open both chests, take picture of Lenzo and Mineco [Treasure Chart #29] [130R]
    • Show pic to gossip ladies for Treasure Chart #24
    • Show Lenzo and Mineco pic to Mineco for Treasure Chart #33
  • Superswim to Forest Haven (Cutscene already watched)
    • Enter Beedle, buy Bait Bag, Bait and Hyoi Pear [90R]
    • Get magic from grass if less than 3 units
  • Enter FW from KoRL w/ whirlpool
    • Get magic on the island and then jump over to the cyclone again
  • Enter Forbidden Woods

Forbidden Woods

  • Get Treasure Chart #1 in big room
  • Store inside of tree chest for early boomerang
    • Red rupee in chest you store [110R]
    • Tingle bomb leaves for purple rupee [150R]
    • Tingle balloon to upper door for early boomerang [130R]
  • Open chest in spiky nuts room [JP: 3]
  • Get golden feathers [GF: 4]
  • Defeat miniboss, get orb for GF, magic and rupees [GF: 5] [140R]
  • Store Boomerang chest and leave boss room by walking towards door
  • Grab golden feathers again [GF: 9, you need at least 7 leaving the dungeon]
  • Make it to main room, cut down big blue flower and jump to basement
  • Boomerang Strat for Treasure Chart #15 in basement
    • Store the chest and get crushed with crawlspace
    • Make it back up to main floor and mothula room
  • Mothula room chest storage for boss key skip
    • Joy Pendant in chest [JP: 4]
    • Fairy in bottle
  • Kalle Demos (Bomb strat faster)
    • Grab Heart Container!! [Hearts: 5 2/4]
  • Superswim to ETI
    • Place pearl
  • Superswim to NTI
    • Place pearl
  • Superswim to Islet of Steel
    • Store Triforce Chart #1
  • Sail to Greatfish
    • Trade with Goron x2 (get bomb drop in pot)
      • Town Flower -> Sea Flower -> Exotic Flower [95R]
  • Double Storage Superswim to Outset (Can do without air refill, but very close)
    • Full moon pic (DO NOT FORGET)
    • Soup from Grandma
    • Leave house, bomb ledge clip and swim to cave
    • Leave cave and bomb wall (whirlpool skip)
    • Nayru's pearl
    • Sail around to storage spot
  • Superswim to STI
    • Place pearl
  • Enter TotG

Tower of the Gods

  • Skip first floor with ledge clip on pillar
  • Tingle Bomb for secret purple rupee [135R]
  • Jack Clip for 1st Statue
  • Command Melody Skip on 2nd Statue
  • Make your way to the Bow
  • Treasure Chart #30 in room left of scale room
  • Small key in right room
  • Last statue
    • Tingle balloon strat for scales room [115R]
  • BK and Gohdan
    • JP in BK chest room (in pot near beamos) [JP: 5]
    • Try to end Gohdan with arrows (force snot arrow at the end if needed)
    • HEART CONTAINER!! [Hearts: 6 2/4]
    • Savewarp (DON'T ENTER WARP!!)
  • Get Treasure Chart #6
    • Savewarp and leave the dungeon
  • Sail to NTI
    • Buy 30 Arrows from beedle if needed (for Cyclos fight) [85R]
    • Learn BoG
  • Sail to NTI to get dry storage

To Hyrule 2, Barrier Skip, Forsaken Fortress 2

  • Superswim to Crescent Moon Submarine
    • Leaf Pump across
    • Store Treasure Chart #9 and get crushed
  • Sail to Crescent Moon
    • [Open Chart #11, #15, #30, #33]
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #11) [Hearts: 6 3/4] (check chart set)
    • Get storage on chest, store KorL text, get storage again and open chest while text still up (Gives chest storage + camera lock)
    • Treasure Chart #10 from chest
  • Superswim to FF2
    • Chest storage route up to Helmaroc
  • Helmaroc Skip
  • Watch Hyrule 2 cutscenes
  • Puzzle Skip and watch Tetra -> Zelda
  • Barrier Skip and enter Ganon's Tower
  • Trials Skip
  • Open up portal (Top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left) (portal first skips cutscenes)
  • Maze for Light Arrows
    • Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Left to get to rupees (normal route but left for last)
    • Farm up to 350+ rupees (250+ if going for sploosh orange rupee)
    • Left door from leaving rupee room for Light Arrows
    • Leave normally, shoot Phantom Ganon
  • Make it up to Puppet Ganon
    • Skull Necklace's from Moblin orbs [SN: 3]
    • Knight's Crests from top Darknuts (x2) orbs [KC: 3]
    • Savewarp after Puppet Ganon CS (obtain mirror shield and fcms)
  • Leave to Forsaken Fortress through dark portal
  • Kill Phantom Ganon
  • Get chest storage (use KorL text during chest opening so you can see)
    • Get storage again after chest storage or the following trick won't work
    • Setup for wall: Slash sword x2, jumpslash up and bomb storage
  • Get on door frame, hit loading zone with leaf and get crushed at same time
    • If you fail you crash, can be good to save before the chest storage
  • Kill Helmaroc for Heart Container with Storage Strat [Hearts: 7 3/4]
    • Enter Ganon's room and savewarp (takes you to Windfall)

Windfall 2

  • Hard Reset with Tingle Chart (reset RNG for sploosh kaboom)
  • Sploosh Kaboom [320R]
    • 2x Treasure Chart [Treasure Chart #7 & #23]
    • Heart Piece [Hearts: 8 0/4]
  • Get Maggie's Letter
  • Jump down, Auction 1 and 2, leave [Hearts: 8 1/4]
    • Treasure Chart #18 & #38
    • Always bet 10% (rounded down) for stun (only for HP chart and Heart Piece)
    • Optimal strategy for the 1 rupee chart:
      • bid 17 rupees (it will be 20 rupees before you can bid again)
      • bid 40 rupees for first stun
      • bid 10% of the current price for the remaining stuns
  • Talk to Mila
    • Shoot light on top of windmill with storage (Lighthouse cs skip)
    • Talk to Kreeb for Heart Piece [Hearts: 8 2/4]
    • Setup door teleport to wealth house upstairs
    • Mail letter
    • Wait for Mila near Cafe and get Bottle #2
  • Open bar door for door teleport, watch mailman cutscene
  • Jump down, Auction 3 [20R]
  • Superswim to Gale
    • Wind God's Aria
  • Superswim to Fire Mountain and drown
    • Power Bracelets
    • Leave, don't savewarp
  • Superswim to Bird's Peak Rock
    • Triforce Chart #3
    • Savewarp
  • Superswim to Ice Ring
    • Treasure Chart #36
    • Iron Boots
    • Leave Ice Ring normally (or savewarp if not enough magic)
  • Superswim and drown/savewarp at Two-Eye Reef
    • Sail to Double Magic Big Octo
  • Sail to Headstone
    • Learn EGL
    • Early Earth Temple with bomb push clip

Earth Temple

  • Call Tingle
  • Tingle Balloon + Moblin strat to skip Medli in first room [~0R]
    • Grapple Moblins x3 [SN: 6]
    • Kill purple chus with light arrows, use Mirror Shield for chest, open warp pot
    • Chest Storage clip to basement, first song stone skip with chest storage
    • Basement Small Key, defeat floormasters with soup
    • Store Treasure Chart #20 chest
    • Use small key, skip elephant statue and song stone with chest storage
    • Open warp pot, jump down, chest storage clip to stalfos crypt
    • Light arrow Stalfoses, void out (to get the stored chart), open the chest for Treasure Chart #12, Savewarp
    • Grapple Moblins x4 (reload room) [SN: 10]
    • Use warp pot, bomb roll clip boss key skip
    • Jalhalla with light arrows
    • PICK UP HEART CONTAINER [Hearts: 9 2/4]
  • Fly seagull to Heart Piece [Hearts: 9 3/4]

Ghost Ship Chart

  • Superswim to Horseshoe
    • Golf Holes 1 & 2 Skip
    • Treasure Chart #8 inside the island (use ice arrows)
    • Store Heart Piece chest [Hearts: 10 0/4]
  • Sail to Diamond Steppe (in darkness)
    • [Open Charts #20, #23, #38]
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #23) [Hearts: 10 1/4]
    • Early Ghost Ship Chart with Chest Storage
      • Get Bomb in pot
      • Leave normally
  • Superswim to Three-Eye
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #38) [Hearts: 10 2/4]
    • Defeat enemies for Treasure Chart #32
    • Set wind S to leaf over
    • Get bombs in skulls
  • Sail to Needle Rock
    • Golden Ship for Treasure Chart #16

Forest Water 1

  • Warp to Forest Haven
    • Get Forest Water
    • Get Makar (jumpslash through waterfall)
  • Superswim to Shark Isle (Need beedle refill)
    • [Open Chart #16]
    • Fish up Treasure Chart #28 (Chart #16)
    • Water Tree
  • Superswim to Needle (Drown or savewarp)
    • [Open Chart #28]
    • Fish up Treasure Chart #3 (Chart #28)
    • Heart Piece [Hearts: 10 3/4]
    • Water Tree
  • Superswim to Five-Eye Reef
    • Defeat enemies for chest
    • Get bombs in barrels
    • Treasure Chart #41
  • Superswim to Eastern Fairy Island (Swim through TotG quadrant for Hyrule 2 KoRL text for dark portal)
    • Water Tree
    • Bomb Upgrade [60]
    • [Open Chart #3 & Ghost Ship Chart]
    • Fish up Treasure Chart #40 (Chart #3)
  • Warp to Windfall
    • Show picture of Linda to Anton and talk to him

Wind Temple

  • Double Storage Superswim to Gale Island
  • Storage route up to Hookshot
    • Use 100 rupee chest for Chest Storage [~100R]
    • To main room
    • Clip out and leaf over to miniboss
  • Miniboss (Use light arrows)
    • Break Darknut orb for Knight's Crest [KC: 4]
    • Store Hookshot chest and skip hitting peg
  • To room with two chests
    • Break floors for chest
      • If Floormaster gets you, L-Slide clip with Hookshot to get down
    • Get Small Key
    • Store Treasure Chart #35
    • Clip out in main room and enter locked door
  • Big circular room
    • Stand on switch to open door
    • Kill enemies to spawn chest
    • Store Treasure Chart #5 chest to keep chest storage
    • Setup: Backflip, jumpslash x2, get storage on other side
  • Grapple Joy Pendants x4 [JP: 9]
  • Grapple Golden Feathers x4 [GF: 13]
  • Boss Key Skip and kill Molgera (attempt Molgera Storage and Molgera Quick Kill)
    • HEART CONTAINER!! [Hearts: 11 3/4]
  • SAVEWARP and leave dungeon (Don't enter portal)

Ghost Ship

  • Superswim to Star Isle
    • Water Tree
    • Soup Glitch over Forest Water (from now on, do not re-enter watered tree quadrants)
    • Grapple Bokoblins x4 [JP: 13]
    • Moblin orb x2 [SN: 12]
    • Heart Piece in cave [Hearts: 12 0/4]
  • Superswim to Northern Fairy Island Submarine
    • Treasure Chart #22
    • Grapple Moblins x4 [SN: 16]
  • Sail to Northern Fairy Island
    • Wallet
  • Sail to spectacle Ghost Ship
    • Farm up to [4900+R]
  • Sail to Spectacle and do minigame (hookshot ladder)
    • Can do KorL strat if you want
    • If you do, savewarp after minigame to get boat back as it's faster
    • Heart Piece [Hearts: 12 1/4]
    • Treasure Chart #17 [~4800R]
  • Sail to Octo at Tingle Island
    • Heart Piece [Hearts: 12 2/4]
  • Sail to Tingle
    • Decipher Triforce Chart #1, #3, #4 [~3600R]
    • [Open Chart #40 and Triforce Chart #1, #3, #4]
  • Superswim to Stonewatcher
    • 2x Skull Necklace [SN: 18]
    • 2x Knight's Crest [KC: 6]
    • Triforce Chart #7
    • Savewarp
    • Fish up Triforce Shard #3
    • Get Heart Piece on platform [Hearts: 12 3/4]
  • Superswim to Six-Eye Reef submarine
    • Heart Piece [Hearts: 13 0/4]
    • Savewarp
  • Sail to Cyclops Reef
    • Defeat enemies to spawn chest
    • Hookshot up NW pole and leaf over to middle
    • Treasure Chart #21
  • Superswim to Pawprint and enter island (avoid loading eastern fairy)
    • Grab Heart Piece in chest [Hearts: 13 1/4]
    • Savewarp
    • Salvage Corp Treasure Chart #34
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #30) [Hearts: 13 2/4]
  • Superswim to Overlook (Use light arrows)
    • Grapple Bokoblins x5 [JP: 18]
    • Knight's Crests x4 [KC: 10 ALL KNIGHT'S CRESTS]
    • Triforce Chart #8
    • Savewarp

Ocean and Outset

  • Warp to Outset
    • Fish up Triforce Shard #4
    • Savage Labyrinth
    • Grapple JP x19 [JP: 37]
    • Grapple GF x7 [GF: 20 ALL GOLDEN FEATHERS]
    • Grapple SN x2 [SN: 20 ALL SKULL NECKLACES]
    • Farm up to [4525R] with help from Triforce Chart #6 chest
    • Savewarp
    • 500 hits on Orca for Heart Piece [Hearts: 13 3/4]
    • Give 10 Knight's Crests for Hurricane Spin
    • Pig Heart Piece [Hearts: 14 0/4]
  • Superswim to Headstone submarine
    • Store Treasure Chart #14 chest, get crushed
    • Leave normally
  • Sail to Headstone
    • Fish up Triforce Chart #5
  • Superswim to Angular Isles (Drown on south side or savewarp)
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #15) [Hearts: 14 1/4]
    • Hookshot Heart Piece chest on top [Hearts: 14 2/4]
  • Superswim to Bomb Island submarine
    • Grapple Bokoblins x3 [JP: 40 ALL JOY PENDANTS]
    • Bottle #3, savewarp
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #20) [Hearts: 14 3/4]
    • Trade with Goron 2x: Exotic Flower -> Sickle Moon Flag -> Fountain Idol [4420R]
    • Heart Piece inside island (hookshot torch) [Hearts: 15 0/4]
    • Savewarp
  • Superswim to Flight Control Platform
    • Minigame with Cheese Strat for Heart Piece [Hearts: 15 1/4] [4410R]
  • Warp to Windfall
    • Play SoP if it's night time
    • Show full moon picture to guy on stairs for Treasure Chart #31
    • Magic Armour from Zunari
    • Enter bar for Linda & Anton Heart Piece + Letter from mailman [Hearts: 15 2/4]
    • Give Mrs Marie 40 Joy Pendants for Cabana Deed + Hero's Charm
    • Give Maggie's dad 20x Skull Necklaces for Treasure Chart #2
    • Give Maggie her letter for Heart Piece [Hearts: 15 3/4]
    • Savewarp
  • Superswim to M&C
    • Trade with Goron (1x): Fountain Idol -> Big Sale's Flag [4375R]
  • Superswim to Four-Eye Reef
    • Defeat enemies for chest
    • Leaf Pump to Treasure Chart #19
  • Superswim to Western Fairy Island
    • Arrow Upgrade [60]
    • Storage on peg
  • Superswim to Rock Spire beedle boat
    • Buy Bottle (500R), Treasure Chart #4 (950R) and Heart Piece (900R) [Hearts: 16 0/4] [2025R]
    • [Open Chart #2, #4, #5, #31]
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #2) [Hearts: 16 1/4]
    • Treasure Chart #37 inside the island
    • Savewarp
    • Bomb ship Heart Piece [Hearts: 16 2/4]

Forest Water 2

  • Warp to Forest Haven
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #31) [Hearts: 16 3/4]
    • Enter island for Forest Water with bomb ledge clip
    • Leaf over to Heart Piece chest [Hearts: 17 0/4]
  • Superswim to Cabana
    • Water Tree
    • Treasure Chart #27 on island
    • Get rupees, need at least [2225R]
    • Triforce Chart #2
    • Savewarp
  • Superswim (or warp) to Tingle Island
    • Set wind NW
    • Decipher Triforce Charts #2, #5, #6, #7, #8 [235R]
    • [Open Triforce Chart #2, #5, #6, #7, #8]
  • Superswim to Gale Island and drown to respawn boat
    • Fish up Triforce Shard #2
  • Warp to Dragon Roost Island
    • Hookshot to mailbox
    • Give gold feathers [335R]
  • Sail to Seven Star Isle
    • Sail to Octo for Heart Piece [Hearts: 17 1/4]
    • Fish up Triforce Shard #7
  • Warp to Southern Fairy Island
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #4) [Hearts: 17 2/4]
    • Bomb Upgrade [99]
  • Sail to Southern Triangle
    • Fish up Triforce Shard #6
  • Superswim to Two-Eye Reef (Drown/Savewarp for boat)
    • Fish up Triforce Shard #8
    • Defeat enemies to spawn chest
    • Hookshot up SE pole and leaf over
    • Treasure Chart #13
  • Superswim to Five-Star Isle submarine
    • Store Heart Piece chest, get crushed [Hearts: 17 3/4]
    • Leave, don't savewarp
    • Chest storage on chest outside
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #33) [Hearts: 18 0/4]
  • Sail to Cliff Plateau
    • Fish up Triforce Shard #5
    • Hookshot up to Treasure Chart #25
    • Water Tree
  • Superswim to Thorned Fairy
    • Check mailbox for Heart Piece x3 [Hearts: 18 3/4]
    • Don't pay for any letter [375R]
    • Arrow Upgrade [99]
    • Fish up Heart Piece (Chart #5) [Hearts: 19 0/4]
  • Warp to Greatfish
    • Water Tree
    • Leaf over to Heart Piece [Hearts: 19 1/4]
    • Trade with Goron x2: Big Sale's Flag -> Hero's Flag -> Postman's Statue [200R]
  • Superswim to Mother & Child Isle
    • Water Tree for Heart Piece [Hearts: 19 2/4]
    • Trade with Goron x1: Postman Statue -> Shop Guru Statue [0R]
    • Savewarp in water


  • Sail back to Greatfish
    • Fish up Triforce Shard #1
    • Trade statue for Heart Piece [Hearts: 19 3/4]
  • Superswim to Six-Eye Reef (Drown or savewarp)
    • Defeat enemies to spawn chest
    • Hookshot up SW pole and leaf over
    • Treasure Chart #26
  • Superswim to Forsaken Fortress (Get air refill)
    • Get Heart Piece [Hearts: 20 ALL HEART CONTAINERS]
    • Savewarp
  • Take portal to Hyrule
  • Puppet Ganon Skip (Warp Pot Snipe)
  • Ganondorf


  • If you want, you can do Star Isle before Wind Temple instead of after to make Forest Water 1 easier.
  • It is faster to do Six-Eye Reef after Cabana during Forest Water 2, and delay Western Fairy to the end of the run to swim Greatfish -> Western Fairy -> Forsaken Fortress, but this makes Forest Water 2 much tighter and you need to be careful of magic at Four-Eye reef. This gives shorter swim paths.
Last updated 05/16/2023 – azer67