Epona Wrong Warp

Epona wrong warps are caused by loading Epona in certain areas she is not intended to be loaded in. This can be easily accomplished with saving at owl statues on the US version, then reloading the save and playing the song of soaring while still on Epona.

When Epona is loaded in these special scenes, the exit data for the current area gets overwritten with incorrect values. This means that leaving the area will warp you somewhere in the game or crash. This is currently known to occur in Snowhead Temple and Stone Tower Temple. Great Bay Temple, Ikana Canyon, and Stock Pot Inn would also cause wrong warps but entering them while on Epona crashes the game.

Loading Epona in these scenes causes graphical glitches with a colored fog as you move around the room. Attempting to open a door will crash the game.

Notable mechanics

Voiding out in the destination location will load a different entrance.
-If the first two hexadecimal digits are a valid scene number, voiding out after a wrong warp will set the 2nd last hexadecimal digit to 0 and load that new entrance.
-If the first two hexadecimal digits are an invalid scene number, voiding out after a wrong warp will subtract 1 from those first 2 digits and set the 2nd last hexadecimal digit to 0 and load that new entrance.

Day transitions after a wrong warp will set the last two hexadecimal digits to 0 and load the new entrance. Day transitions only occur in certain areas, such as Milk Road and Termina Field. They do not occur in dungeons or Southern Swamp. Night transitions have no effect.

Death after a wrong warp will take you back to the place you originally wrong warped from.

The wrong warp destinations are version-dependent, as shown by the table below.

List of Epona Wrong Warps

Start LocationExitDestination (US N64)Destination (JP N64 1.0 and 1.1)Destination (GCN: All)
Snowhead TempleTo SnowheadCrash (180B)Crash (6291)Purified Southern Swamp (6291)

Void: Trading Post (6201)
Snowhead TempleTo GohtInner Pirate's Fortress (394D)

Void: Milk Road (380D)

Day Transition: Odolwa (3800)
Crash (62D1)Purified Southern Swamp (62D1)

Void: Trading Post (6201)
Stone Tower TempleTo Stone TowerMayor's Residence (0000)Crash (F1FA)Purified Southern Swamp (F1FA)

Void: Purified Southern Swamp (F00A)


Last updated 11/09/2020 – Exodus