Material Dupes

Material Duplication Glitches

Material Sort Dupe (MSD)

MSD is currently the fastest and easiest way to dupe materials.

How to do MSD To perform this glitch you have to be mid-air and be able to drop materials. There are three ways to get into that state.

  1. Be in the middle of a shield jump.
  2. Be in the middel of a paraglide
  3. Sit in Mineru.

If you are in this state you need to open your inventory. Now you just hold every item you want to duplicate. If you are holding the items you need to press Y and + at the same time. Y and + can be pressed in the same frame or Y can be pressed one frame after +. Now the items are on the ground and in your inventory. There is no risk of losing items when you are only duping one unique material at once. If you dupe multiple different materials and you mess up the inputs you could lose materials.

Last updated 05/23/2023 – Tauktes