A Link Between Worlds

Current World Record (Any%)

Player Time Version
TheLegendofZaheer 1:21:01 USA

Please note that the ZSR leaderboards are no longer active! Check out speedrun.com.

Recent Edits

Page Category Updated
Item Attack Power General Info 04/22/2023
Tower of Hera Dungeons 03/18/2023
Flipperless Adventure Miscellaneous 12/04/2022
Any% Routes 08/16/2022
Misery Mire Overworld 07/30/2022
Text Speed General Info 07/03/2022
Story Triggers General Info 07/03/2022
Skippable Items General Info 07/03/2022
Rupee Map General Info 07/03/2022
Ravio's Item Shop General Info 07/03/2022